Show In Iii using Crescent flour to better your baiting today You Yon may experiment t with other flours first but sooner or youre sure to become a steady user of Crescent Flour Sold by b all nIl grocers i f fAll All Kinds of Lumber I r all kinda kindo of purposes are aro re not found foun IR I very every yard Whatever your wanta w may moy be bo In n Lumber and Building t Materials mo here horo and rod let u UD give you an n Dati mate Wo We con can nave you money m Quail quality ty Utah and Oregon Lumber Co ST STEn En c Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning Work We wo feel sure cure Wo We can C give giva you tho the great greatest est elf satisfaction Bring Br ng us Ul u your collars fancy wait waists curtains curt 1 ns and blankets Our DRY CLEANING DEPARTMENT will vill give you the best bot of satisfaction t in the cleaning and pressing of z Il IJ cilk or wool garments ts Ogden Steam stearn Laundry Lau Co Launderers and Dry Dy Twenty fifth St str r GEI STATE E BANN Ogden I Utah r H C Bigelow President Pre J M Browning f A P Cashier J E Halverson Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS H C Bigelow John K Spiers Spiere G C L 1 Becker J N Spargo L F Bigelow J M Browning O 0 M Parmley E L LV Van V Meter A P Bigelow I I BANK STATEMENT REPORT Made to the tho Secretary of State of the State of or Utah of the tho Condition of THE OGDEN STATE BANK Located at Ogden In the tho County of Weber tate t of Utah at tho the close of Business on the tho day of June 1909 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Overdrafts Bonds Stocks Certificates etc elc Banking House Furniture and Fixtures Other Real Estate Due from Nation National I Ial al Banks Duo from State Banks and Bank Bankers ers erG Cash on hand 6 Total LIABILITIES Capital Cap I stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits less ex ox expenses expenses and taxes paid pahl Dividends unpaid Duo Dun to National banks Duo to state banks and bank bankers tt ers 0 Individual depos deposits its Dept I Certified checks Cashiers checks Letters of credits Total Deposits Total State Stale of Utah County Counts of or Weber reber A P BIGELOW being first duly sworn according to law lav deposes and say sari he be Is Cashier of tho the above named bank that the above and Tore fore foregoing going report contains a full tull true and correct corr t statement of the condition of ot o othe the said bank at the close of business on the tho day dav of June 1909 A P BIGELOW Cashier Correct Attest H IT C BIGELOW J N SPARGO O 0 A PARMLEY PAn ILEY rectors Directors Dl Subscribed and sworn to before mo me this day dar of June Junc 1909 10 I A C PAST Notary Public I SEAL I Il My l commission expires December 27 1912 Hit State of Utah Office of tho the Secretary of or State I C S TINGBY Secretary of State Statu of the tho State of ur Utah do hereby cor certify that thal the tho foregoing Core Is a n full Cull true and correct copy cop of tho the statement of or orth the thc th named company now n In my m office this day 11 a of June 1909 C S Secretary of or State Ogden Examiner Classified Department L I THE COLUMNS THAT THA T BRING RESULTS RESUL ONE CENT A WORD FOR RENT RENTs s s sHOUSE HOUSE 2526 2536 Adams FOR FOn RENT OR SALE t In at Wash modern house Muse Phone 28 I OFFICE room centrally located with withof of vault Kelly Kolly Herrick 29 C G t ROOM house pantry and collar Wyoming Avo Ave 30 TWO large rooms with all modern conveniences each will accommodate date dato two or four people leople gentlemen preferred with board Tho 2708 Jefferson Jofferson 25 TWO rooms furnished for housekeep ing Ins Closet and lights West Thirtieth I FURNISHED rooms for Cor housekeeping street reet Ind hid 3 FOR RENT Two front rooms on first floor furnished with or with without without without out board Mrs Mra Edgar Stone SU St FOR RENT Two rear rooms 12 per por month IDO nth Mrs Edgar l Stone St S1 FOR RENT Four room house In Inquire InquIre quire 2826 I I modern house FOR RENT brick house cor corner corner cornor ner nor Monroe and partly mod modern modem ern orn em 1100 per mo Skeen Realty Co 11 FOR RENT Sanitary rooms at nt tea rea reasonable ea prices The Chicago House Phone UNFURNISHED 2128 Jefferson Inquire Abels Abstract office fG ro 6 LEGAL NOTICE OTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE In the District Court of at the County Count of Weber State of Utah In the Matter of tIm the Estate of ot LorIn Farr deceased The Tho Tb undersigned executors of the thelast thelast thelast last will and testament ont of Lorin Farr deceased will MIl sell at it private sale the following described r al property be belonging belonging belonging longing to tho the estate of said de do deceased dec ceased c med to wit Lot five fie 5 In Block GG 66 of PInt Plat C COSden Ogden Ogdon City Survey Also all nIl of the North half of Lot eight 8 In Block 3 of or the tho Riverside Addition to Ogden City Cit formerly a part of or Lot four 4 in Block GS 66 Plat Piat C Ogden City CIt Survey Survoy On or alter after Saturday tho day da of or Juno June A D 1009 1909 and written bids will ivill bo be received by bytho b bythe tho the undersigned at the law ofil offices offices ces of oC Richards Davis Dals Boyd their attorneys Rooms In the tho Eccles Building situated on the South SouthWest West est corner of or the tho Intersection of Washington Avenue and Street in Ogden City Weber County Count Utah Tho The terms of sale are cash C Rh lawful money mono of oC tho the United States ton ten per pOl percent percent cent of the price to lo be paid at the time of salo sale and the tho balance thereof upon confirmation of or sale by said court Dated Juno June 1909 ENOCH FARR PARR JOSEPH FARR PARR FARR PARR LORENZO FARR PARR ELIJAH N FREEMAN FR ErAN of the last will and testa testament testament testament ment of or Lorin Farr deceased WANTED INFORMATION WANTED from own or who has good modern residence for sale In III or within 15 miles of Ogden Would Woul liko 1110 to learn of best host bargain being hoing offered from 5 to Give GIo price and brief C dOs des description No agents need answer Address G Currier Pres Prea Room 29 0 O 46 West Monroe St Chicago II 11 I Il l JG I AGENTS positively make 10 to lo 2000 dally daily dall selling the greatest photo art specialty ever evor produced Some Something Something thing thins new am unusual A J 3 Nut Nutter Nutter Nutter ter Carroll Aye Avo 1 ve Chicago INFORMATION WANTED from Crom own owner owner owner er who has good farm Carm for sale salo with within in miles of Ogden suitable for dairy lairy purposes or general farming Not particular about size or loca location j ion tion Give Gie price anti and brief description description tion Lion Address G Pres Pros Room P 46 West Vest Monroe St Chicago Ill WANTED W Painters nail and Muller Dec W P Co 2582 2682 Wash Vash WANTED TO RENT 12 14 H or 16 room house Call Ind lad WANTED To exchange all kinds of fir fl itt t class talking records with ev everybody C Ci i bod And your Jour order left len for Cor W VC v C fire proof roof root paint Ogden Record Exchange Storo loro ill St Si south of o C CM W WM M 1 Co 33 I WANTED Reliable experienced girl or woman for general housework I family of three small house good I wages no washing WASHING and antI Ironing to w do at home nome Call at W y Fl WANTED Men Ien to qualify for Civil Service positions Exams June 26 Salt Snit Lake Aro Are they the desirable If so call on Mr Air Allen at Broom Hotel appointments c coming I In rail railway railway railway way mall mail clerks clerIcs car carriers carriers I etc otc tf tt I LOST I LOST LOSTA A bay ba mare 4 years yeats old I In forehead brand d fT uT uTI T Tw I W N Reward F P Hammond fI LOST At fair grounds rounds gold gold carved bracelet bracelot butterfly In Jewels 50 re reward reward reward ward Address Mrs C H Gosling 2103 Adams avenue OSTEOPATHY M S S X N X W W DR GORDON GORDOl G 0 IVES OSTEOPATH I graduate Masonic Tom TomI plo pic annex Ind md 73 Bell Beil phone I 1204 residence same 9 11 a n ra m to 5 Ii P m every week day tjay DR ALICE HOUGHTON OSTEOPATHIC OSTEOPATHIC OSTEOPATHIC physician Arlington Hotel Tuesdays and Saturdays Ind md phone 25 MONEY TO LOAN rf s N N MONEY MONET LOANED On any ony security Large sums at nt bankers rates rutes salary loans service Denice quick and confidential Western Brokerage Co 2234 bids MORTGAGE LOANS on 00 Improved farms or city property Hunter Kennedy fourth floor 1101 11 r First National Bank bide ABSTRACTOR F B DEVOTO ABSTRACTOR ABST OF title bonded and licensed at D W ELLIS ABSTRACT CO UNDER First National bank bunk Abstracts of Title Tilio to any Rny land In ln Weber County LEGAL NOTICE OF INTENTION is hereby horeb given by the city council of Ogden City Utah of the tho Intention of o 0 such council to make mako the tho following Improvements II To create Washington avenue from street to street Ogden Osden avenue from roIn street to street Adams avenue from froni street to toI I street street from Crom Washington avenue to Adams I I avenue anti and tho the north sub of Thirty t sixth street from rota Washington avenue to Adams avenue aa M a sidewalk dis district and to build hulId In said districts concrete In the manner fol Col following 01 I lowing To build on said streets as above aboe abovementioned mentioned concrete sidewalks four Inches Inch os thick and six ix feet foet In width The estimated cost of said Improve Improvements improvements I ments Is IB The Tho boundaries of the district to be benefited and nail affected by said Im Improvements improvements I aro are lines drawn fifty fiet feet outward from and parallel to the outer boundary lines of or said streets for fr the whole length thereof on Washington avenue from rein to Thirty I sixth streets on Ogden avenue from Crom fifth to streets on Adams avenue from I to on Thirty fifth filth street stroet et from Washington to Ad Adams AdI I ama ams avenue and on the north side sille of oC street from Washington I to Adams avenue I For tho the payment of the costs and expanses of making said Improve Improvements Improvements ments tho the city council Intends to levy lev levI and collect coli oct special and find local taxes tares I upon tae tte ie lots blocks parts of lots and anti blocks lands nOd and real estate lying I and being within tho the boundaries of the said district to the extent of the tho benefits to said nahi property by br reason of said Eald Improvements I The city counci will on Monday Monda i the tho fifth day dav da of July Juh 1909 at 8 S I p m In the city council chamber city hall Ogden Utah hear object objections objection tion In writing from any nn and all per tons Interested In said local and ape special cial assessment Ordered by b the tho city council Juno 7 1909 E P BROWN City Recorder l j HANCOCK Deputy First Juno 13 11 1909 Last publication July 5 1909 r i FOR SALE ts f f fJ J H HILL BILL Real Estate Es ate Loans and J Insurance I 2408 Washington Ave Bell phone Lots on St car line lino terms to Lo sulL sulU Lot on SL St a n bargain Houses to rent Money Mon y to loan luau ALMOST new surrey aurrey also driving mare 2661 Phone F FOR FOB SALE Modern brick and Madison avenue 2600 1000 1600 down Nice frame 1700 and an Madison water In house lot 35 Good houses 1400 to 1000 on rea reasonable terms 1 I Nice house cellar barn I water and lights In tn tho the house only I II I lot 60 on near t trash Wash rash Ave i I Fixtures In rooming house cheap rent Is low and making dollars clear monthly from Crom house Lots Lols In any un part of the city Billiard hull hall and mid fixtures 1500 JUNCTION CITY INVESTMENT CO GO COI Eccle Building I I Phones md 1152 Bell Boll FURNITURE of seven rooms suit stilt suitable able for boarding board InS or rooming house houseIn In railroad district house for rent I Inquire 3rd Iii I II I I FOR SALE SALEA A claim ag the First I M E Church of oC Ogden Ogdon of o 3 I with 19 years interest st Appl J J JI I Smyth St Ogden Utah Garrison Foster Garrison REAL ESTATE LOANS AND IN INSURANCE INSURANCE SU RANCE 2411 Washington Ind md Phone Bell Phone After business hours Ind Phone I Bell Phone BUILDING LOTS I I Three nice building lots on the corner corn r of oC 3rd and Van VanBuren Buren Duren south front I city water Terms If Ie desired per foot fooL Lot to alley aile on Endl Endi on Avenue Av between anti and street per foot fooL BARGAINS IN HOUSES 11 room house within two blocks of Union depot modern good lot loL with barn anti and wash washhouse washhouse house I One Ono of or the very best homes on art the bench Opposite City park I If looking for a fine homo home with every convenience see sea us about this I In tho suburbs wo we havo have a fine place of 7 rooms fine terraced lawn good barn with every overy convenience One Oie acre of or ground city water bath hath etc Price If sold soon INSTALLMENT HOUSES HO SES In this lIne lino we wo have them thom In all aU sizes and anel prices Why vh not start starl to getting you a homo home You nover never will unless you be begin begin begin gin If tired of or paying rent como come and see us FOR RENT 6 room modern house on upper street 2000 5 6 room house with bath nice lawn 1500 1600 Garrison Foster Garrison Chauncey Pany PanyA A beautiful iacre orchard principally peaches and cherries all bearing only 20 minutes walk from business center also near car lino line 4 room residence In good condition with barn 1000 A beautiful lot 72 feet Ceet curb gut gul guttor guttor tor and sidewalk in and paid for Cor good shade for I A good brick residence with city water vater nice shade good lawn lot 37 ft fL to an alley ahoy for Cor 1150 This Is certainly a n snap Chauncey Parry ParlY I Corner antI and Washington Avenue A Bell 35 LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE In the District Court Gourt of ot the County of Weber State of Utah In the Matter latter of tho the Estate of or Mary I Donaghy deceased The undersigned executors of tho the thelast last will and testament of Mary Don Donaghy aghy deceased will sell at nt private sale salo tho the following real property be bo belonging belonging longing to tho the estate of said deceased A part of Lot 7 In Block one Plat Pint PlatA PintA I A of Ogden City Survey bounded as aa follows Beginning at a n point seven rods three and toot foot tootI I 1 west vest of or the North East corner of the West Vest half of said Lot seven and I ning thence South eight rods thence West feet feel North eight rods thence East feet to tho the place of ot beginning Also the tho West of or Lot eight and a part of Lot seven seen in Block fourteen Pint Plat A Au j of or Ogden City survey hounded bounded as aa follows Begin Bogin Beginning Beginning ning at the tho North East corner of said Lot seven seen and running thence West eight foot feet and three inches thence South twenty rods thence East eight feet and three Inches thence North twenty rods Teds to the place of begin beginning begInning ning ningOn ningOn On or after Saturday tho the I day dB of Juno A D 1909 and written bids will II be bl received by hy tho under undersigned I signed at aL the law office of C C Rich Richards Richards ards their Attorney Rooms In the Eccles building situated on tho the southwest corner cornor of the Intersection of or Washington Ave Ae and Street In Ogden City Weber County Utah I j Tho The terms of snIt sale are cash lawful mono of tho the United States ten por pr cent of the purchase price to be bo paid at the time of sale and thoro of upon confirmation of sale by said Court Dated June Juno 1909 THOMAS tAS FiTZGERALD FITZG PATRICK M CUSHNAHAN I Executors of the Last Will VIII and nUll Testa Testament I ment meat of Mary Donaghy deceased I Ogden Ogdon Og on Sunday Examiner r 12 2 year ye r i Ogden Ogdon Sunday Examiner 2 year car carVI t VI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i U FRATERNAL SOCIETIES B P Po O 0 ELKS OGDEN LODGE NO I Lodge and club rooms second floor SOOl 2416 Washington avenue Rig Reg Regular ular meetings every Tuesday oven even O D I ig JOHN S CORLEW Exalted Ruler J 1 H KNAUSS |