Show TAFT IS NOT MS iS STRONG AS ROOSEVELT The first sign sl l of a moral let down downin in the Taft administration is the tue Presidents willingness to condone the offenses of those moo mon in the Re Republican Republican publican party v hom Roosevelt with ruggedness of character refused refused to I accept as worthy worth of his official smile There Is powerful diplo diplomatic diplomatic diploma matic ma tic shrewd sit but Roosevelt knew know Aldrich to be the heal head of those Interests which had bled the American n people from oer euer pore and had he declined to compromise with this leader of the predatory wealthy Taft TaCt has beamed beam ell on Aid Ald Aidrich AldrIch AIdrIch rich and Aldrich Is once more supreme in the sonata senate and councillor to the chief magistrate of the nation nallon One who knows lenow AldrIch well says sa s sHo He lie Is an opportunist He lie can keep his counsel and bide his time Under the regime of 01 ho lie hollst much of his lIs power because Roose loose volt ct distrusted and disliked him In Inthe Inthe the tho later years rears of ho hoi i went to the White House only when it if was as absolutely necessary and on oa I the occasions of oC those rare visits he carried carriell away little But when Taft became President elect Aldrich lost no time lime about hay hav having haya lag ing a frank understanding with the incoming executive lie He assured Mr I Taft that he Aldrich Aidrich a bad i soi sort t that he wanted to accomplish I what would bo be for tho the best Interests I of tho the country that he ho wanted to cooperate with and be he useful to Mr I Taft raft And he convinced Mr Ir Taft The reestablishment of amity be between tween the boss of the senate and the occupant of the White House is prop properly properly erly erl looked upon as one of the most significant facts of oC the early months I of the Uie new administration Though raft has many man fine qualities the early indications are ho lacks the tho courage of his convictions and is 1 swayed by party policy lie He I Ie is not nol strong enough morally to defy those powerful influences In the antagonizing ing of which he might risk attack for Cor the sake salte of oC being right |