Show VENERABLE AUTHORESS BECOMES VERY ILL Now No York June 19 1 Mrs Irs Mary Low lw Dickinson tho the venerable author authoress authO ess SS and founder of oC tho the International Order of Kings Daughters is quite ill 1 illat at al hor her homo home hero bero it was announced today to 1 a following a a lawsuit In which Judgment for or was given givin against her recently nt In iii II favor of oC u mi Boston publishing house Tho The friends i of or Mrs Dickinson learning learing of her bet hOlIness H Illness Iness because of or worry the luw II I suit Knit fUl took tool up HI the tho 10 matter and us its a arl ro rc B suit sui a tho the case cose has ha H granted by b the to courts and Is ached to start star on ou Monday Monda but it it is 13 not likely Ikel that Mrs Dickinson will wi be beable beable beable able to tu leave leayo her hor homo home then The Time suit stilt was the tho outcome of a mis misunderstanding understanding tho the famous writer wrier nc teacher having signed a n contract contract to 10 purchase a do de luxo edition editon of foreign n authors anthor and at the tho time sho though thou that tho the irIco would bo hr h nowhere i r that thal eventually event willy demanded I |