Show LOUtS lOUIS CHEVROLET WINS CODE t CUP UP BY HAIR HR RAISING MARGIN I i Crown Point Inch md Tine Juno 10 HI BuIck t car driven b uy by Louis won on the Cube cup the ma maor maor maor or of the Western Vanderbilt ace aco over Oer the miles of oC tho Crown Lowell course today by a hair aising margin of oC one minute and ami live five In a Knox who was second made so desperate a bid for Cor that not until the winning nia mn hino hine flashed over oer the tape was the tho thoe e at all certain Owing to the tho fact fad that was nas as the tenth entrant In a field of twelve and that thaL crowded so o perilously close to him In the tho final laps the Knox car No Xo 2 on the list listI was nR the lie first to pass pa s tho the tape his time timo being At this time Chevrolet v was wa as near the beginning of I lie Hie 1 h long south stretch with eight min minutes minutes mm utes tiles in which to secure the prize As ho hl Hashed by b the tho stations along this pait of the course courle tile news neB of his location by hr ii wire wiro Ire to the tho Judges stand st and through the watch or erg wrought them to a climax of en r The Tho Intense anxiety regard regardIng Ing his movements to tile the last foot root was wag due clue in the main nintH to a lively lIeh sense of o ot oftie t tie possibility of a disaster dlf astI Involved l by l ii It multitude of rough experiences characterizing the ho da ria daThe dar darThe The following table shows Cheno l Hs Lap Position Time First 3 2120 2 2112 21 12 Third 2 2411 21 11 Fourth 1 i 2117 21 1 17 Fifth Firth 2 2133 SIxth 1 i 25 2517 17 Seventh ev 1 2539 2 1 i 2550 NIll I 1 1 2714 1 t r 2 J 4 1 as 2 Twelfth 3 2927 Thirteenth 2 2927 Fourteenth nth 1 1 i 2838 28 S Sixteenth 1 I Seventeenth 1 2801 One lap Jap 2327 miles Total distance 17 1 laps Japs 39 65 miles milesA Average A time lime of winner miles an hour Fastest lap 2231 22 I by b son sou with Knox The Tho following table shows the record of o the tIle first live five cars and order of fiu ish ih Chevrolet 8 01 33 Knox Lor Robertson 13 14 11 30 O Flat Mat Harne 22 0 I Dayton S 2603 05 In iii the eleventh lap iap Chevrolet broke broken brokel n a l valve ah In a cylinder In such a manner that hat It could not nol be repaired and he heas was as forced to run ho tho rest resL of the day clay da with three cylinders which made mado his performance all the more rc To offset this misfortune In a measure m I the lie superior skill with which he and an his handled tho the oil all cans during a stop atop at aL the repairing pits JIlts gained him him time of f Immense value alue I later Intel in iti the day lay dayT I The Tw T race which showed an average I of 49 I 1926 20 G miles m lies an a n hour was as unusually I slow foi 01 cars of the class chass The rue fact act that the roadway roada at the turns was literally cut cuL to ribbons by br the tile almost continuous performance or o the two days das racing lacing slowed Iowa down the heavy heay motors to a most unexpected degree de ree and upset all calculations The most conspicuous feature of to da days s race raco from rom a technical point of view was the wonderfully consistent performance of Chevrolet From the start his hiM average scarcely varied varlet 18 IS seconds Denison being put puL out of the running Robertson at the wheel of a took up Iii the task of beating the he lending leading and after running I a close chose second for laps Japs Jumped into the lead In the tenth and held it ft twice around again Seeing Chevrolet worn vorn down do and all Rh but vanquished by tho the terrific pace ho had hall sot set himself his assistant at tho the repair pit repeatedly signaled 81 him to give Sho tip tiji but bitt he lie de Je declined dined and summoning all his strength sprang into the loud lead In Iii tho fourteenth lap Jal and was never neel thereafter headed Bourque at al no time wits was worse than fourth and In tho ho thirteenth lap hap took the lead for a n brief Interval dropping I hack however how I II 1 to second which he I held to the lie I end enl Robertson ran 1111 consistently He lie was ns never worse than fifth In point of I elapsed time At one time he had hod a lead of 21 minutes and It was gener generally generall generaH ally all aH conceded that barring just what whal did happen he could not nol bo be beaten But at ut Lowell halfway around the tho course his magneto failed him A now new ono one was wa installed He started again but hul had scarcely crossed the tulle tape when tho thio sparking Instrument failed once more This cost him the race Trouble resulting from tho the with withdrawal withdrawal of car cm after car characterized characterised the race from hot thet start Burman In a Buick ended his ca career career career reer In a n ditch in tho the sixth lap with a ruined crank Hc IId was quickly followed I by b In a Knox who was forced I out by h engine trouble I fate seemed particularly I hard because up UI to the moment of his lila defeat ho had haI waged an almost even cen duel with Chevrolet I The Tae spectators saw no lie serious acci accidents kilts dents but y after noon there was a bit hit or ot excitement when Bugle Engle I beck beel whirling by br the closing point of I his bis ninth round swerved Into the tue soft dirt at the same place at which Strang I narrowly escaped disaster In the tho In Indiana Indiana I diana dlana trophy contest Recovering control however 0 1 the ton swept on amid am ill cheers chor Probably the most serious affair of the Iho day Ia da occurred when car i I skidded d at the tile head of 01 the east cast stretch i and struck Theodoro Theodore Mueller the Hag flag Hagman flagman I I man at that thal point before he could leap heal aside and broke his arm arni Altogether during the entire day da anti and throughout tho the course there were cre for fort forty t ty cases casp mostly of or fainting and heat prostrations treated at the tho emer emergency gency hospital a None of these prom promises promises serious consequences c |