Show I MORE THAN PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM FRO HAY FEVER I New York June 19 More rore than person suffer from hay fever in inthy inthe inthe the thy United tates States and the number Is rapidly Increasing according to Dr DrW DrW W 11 W Carter who addressed the Alumni of oC Bellevue hospital last night rho Tho fact that nearly nearh all nil of the suffer stiffer sufferers ers II from this trouble which recurs annually are arc residents of or cities and very vory on few live on farms Dr PI Carter ex cx explained I by br saying that thaL hay IH fever silt nub J Ct are arc of oe a certain nervous disposition tion and that their nervous condition makes them subject to the t e disease casc The doctors have found no medical relief for fOI the disease and ho lie h advises those who cannot change chane cha c climate dur during durIng ing the 1111 hay fever season se to avoid excitement and anti hurry |