Show r HE BLAMES IES THE filE I OGDEN BOOLE BODIE BODIEr r For fear Cear that tho the public might bo be apprised of oC what Is transpiring In the city the lie police department assumed assume complete censorship Friday Frida of a most sensational discovery which was made in tho city elt haIl hall Friday morning by b Col Nelson and which occupied the thc attention of the officers for the greater part of the tho day ay Upon making tho the rounds of the toilet rooms of tho city hall Friday morning Cot Col Nelson discovered In tho tue public lavatory which connects with the tho outside and Is left open dur duro during ing fog the tho night evidences of or a crime having been committed during tho the night nl ht the tue floor of the compartment being deluged with blood which had hod apparently dripped from rom a height and antI had splashed upon the walls wails and par partitions partitions near the baseboards A great pool of or clotted blood was located near the door and anti bloody fingerprints were II traceable unon n onn nf or th hn Confident that thata a crime ri had been committed the tho police pollee and sanitary san I de do department department were notified and began an Investigation which resulted about G C that evening In the discovery of or a stranger by b the name of John JohnC C Waters suffering with a badly bad cut cutthroat cutthroat cutthroat throat It then that the theman theman theman man had attempted to commit suicide by ly slashing his throat with a razor lazor during a moment of drunken despond despondency ency one enc After ACter cutting a great gash ga h In his neck which narrowly missed the tho Jugular vein Waters lost heart In tho the matter the pain and loss 1058 of blood has hav having hasing ing sobered him somewhat and he then made an effort to secure assist assistance assistance assistance ance and medical attention atten lion Waters is now nov In the city Jail with his neck swathed In bandages and he vows solemnly that It will be may many moons before ho he takes another drink I 1 am a miner from Nevada and had been heen drinking around town hero for some come time limo losing my money mone at vari various varIous van ous ow roulette wheels gradually becom becoming becoming ing despondent over my m condition Thursday night 1 1 I lost most of my re ro remaining I money mone In a gambling house houseIn In the city and began hegan drinking harder I Ithan than ever evor I finally lost control of oC my myself myself myself self and In a fit of despair wont went over overto OVerto overto to the tho city hall hal lavatory and made a slash at my throat with a razor The Thes skin s ln on my neck was so d tin n tough I hOWever h that I guess I man t got In Inar far ar enough I 1 dropped tho the razor Into the sewer and an tried to get gel out to the tho thedoor thedoor door I must have fainted about that time lime for when 1 1 came to I was still bleeding profusely In the meantime the pain and amid loss of blood had lint sobered me sufficiently so that I went into inlo the tho th basement for help Being unable to lo find anyone I went wont back through the tho lavatory and then out on the grass gracs I 1 never tried tho he suicide route before and I will not try It again but a man m n who drinks Ogden Is apt to do anything |