Show I DIED I Arthur W V T Edwards Infant son of I Mr lr and aud Mrs John A Edwards died Friday Frida last night at ohe family residence South Hooper Funeral ser services services vices Ices will be he hold held today at 2 from rom the family re In Interment Interment at S cemetery Mary Mar Louise Anderson wife of oC Klaus A Anderson died last evening at her home TW third street of cancer of the breast breist t after a n pro protracted protracted protracted Illness Mrs Anderson An erson was born In Sweden April 1 1839 She is survived by the husband and two chil children children dren a son and a n daughter The Thc re remains remains remaIns mains will lie He In state at funeral chapel Monday between the tho hours of 10 a m and 1 p m Fu Fe Funeral floral services will be held at the Fourth ward meeting house at 2 p m rn Monday londa The Thc body bod will willbo willbe bo be Interred In tho th Ogden cemetery |