Show U 1 I I II I I j i I I ji i MME Y YALE ALMOND BLOSSOM I j I COMPLEXION i j fr t C REAM CREAM CREAMe tf j jt 1 t GREATEST TOILET LUXURY I td MADE MADEi i CLEANSES SOFTENS PURI PURl PURIFIES PURIFIES i FIES PIES WHITENS AND BEAU BEAUTIFIES BEAUTIFIES BEAUTIFIES THE TIlE SKIN SOAP JC AND WATER W ATE RON ONLY L Y Yi i CLEANSE SUPERFICIALLY t I Ii Mme Mine Yale says A little H Almond Blossom Complex I iou ion Cream should be ap applied I r plied every time the face hl and hands are washed It removes the dust soot grime glime smut and smudge I i from the of the i skin and makes the Bur sur surface I face smooth as velvet A dally daily necessity at home and V abroad a treasure when whoa traveling I f by b land and water Protects tho the thoi i skin from rein cutting cullin winds burning j rays TaS of oC the tho sun un and every Injurious i effect of oC the tho elements Prevents and cures abnormal redness of the I nose or an any part of the face also chapping chafing chafin cold sores fever feer J I blisters and nd all Irritation of tho the thoI I I skin It Is the greatest known 1 specific c for C or burns takes the fire liro I out quicker than anything ese else c heals and prevents sears SCaTS anti and suppuration Indispensable for use of Infants and every ovel member of the Uie household An exquisite nat natural natural ural urn beautifier A grateful ap application application I after shaving Excellent I for massage purposes Almond A 0 n d Blossom Complexion c I Cream Is now sold In two l wo sizes 1 1000 1 W I III II I 1 I II I EI oJ i 1 1 1 I Ii 1 I EXCURSiONS S I Ito to toI I I EAST AND RETURN from I j I Ogden Wand and Salt at Lake City I to toi i Missouri MI River St Lour st Paul and nd Minneapolis Peoria Dateo DOlten of Sale June Juno 26 July 2 3 23 2 24 Aug 13 14 Sept 10 11 1909 I I II Long Jn limits stopovers allow nIl ow ed pd Plenty Plent of or other rates to t i eastern castern summer resorts For further ru ther particulars apply to toC toC toI I C F WARREN WARRENA I A T S F F Rr Ity Jud Bids Salt Lao Lalo CRy Crt Utah Ulah I J p LJ t L i f fIDE 7 r IDE MODEL I f I Ip p THE LEGITIMATE SALE OF THE i j SEASON A i A Alfred Allred Benjamin Cos Co s Clothing at atoff 3 A AL AI 1 j off ff their regular gular r value is all the talk that thatis L I Iv L J i is necessary IvF F r I If you have not supplied yourself with witha F FR IvR IvE 1 R J a summer suit S t yet we say now is your R RE RE E Jk l 7 golden opportunity to get the best at E ED ED D prices that are arc astonishing to the most D prudent buyer buyert t i BENJAMIN SUITS B E EI I N Ii Suite reduced to 2335 N NI J I i i suits reduced to 2000 J I A 2750 Suits reduced to 1835 A I N 1 2500 Suits Suite reduced to 1665 M I i 2250 Suits reduced to 1500 N iT F W t 2000 Suits Suite reduced to 1365 IN I IL L N NI f I l Y l 3 1000 Suits reduced to S 5 S j 1250 Suits reduced to U 1500 Suits reduced to 1000 U 1800 Suits reduced to 1200 I IT J T 2000 Suits reduced to 1365 T TS 2350 Suits reduced to 1565 S 6 i i V J Special Reductions ons on all Furnishings Shoes and Hats for Monday and Tuesday vt 13 The Model Clothing Co 13 OFF St OFF j li mIl O l f l S Sr H S M q l JID If M Every Evory pore poro and gland of tho the is employed in b tho ary work vork o of preserving its smooth ovon oven to turo softening and cleansing it and tug ing the tho temperature of oC our bodies bodlos This Is 18 dono by an BU evaporation through each tiny outlet which goos oos on continually day and night When Whon tho blood becomes Infected with humors and acids a 0 certain of these thew Impurities also pass off with tho the natural evaporation sour fiory fiery nature Irritates and end tho skin and dries up its natural oils oil causing pimples boils or somo Itching rash or hard bard cody skin affection S e S S cures euros skit of overy kind by neutralizing tho nelds and removing tho the humors from tho the blood S S S cools tho the lation lutton builds it up to its normal strength and thickness multiplies its nutritious red corpuscles and enriches it in every way Then Thon tho skin instead ol of being Irritated and diseased d by the tho matter is nourished soothed and softened by this cooling coolin healthy stream of ot blood S S S the iho 01 ci l blood purifiers expels e all foreign matter and euros c ros Acne Acno Totter Salt Rheum and all nIl othor other diseases dis ases and affections of the tho skin It removes pimples blackheads and other un unsightly UnsIghtly sightly blemishes from the tho skin and assists in restoring a t good complexion Book Bool on Skin Diseases and any advice desired free to all nil who write J THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA GA GAYou t Why Dam I Stockings ir TNT j u Ul r J ty S Alm lB You Can Got Get Used Ud on en n Sawing Machini Shown A Free Frao Lessons In ue we dl dt t Singer Stores Sea It TODAY at i 2338 WASHINGTON AVENUE AV NUE A I |