Show LIi i AND VIGOROUS AT 92 using living volunteer B soldier Tho rho Th oldest j in America Col W O 0 Clark of oC Dry Drytown I town JS Is an Ogden ot of Dr Ezra r au nn uncle o Is IB f rv Col l Clark I Richs mother nod and although 92 years of is still sun halo and hearty heart and age with wonderful clearness of ot mind events of or American history ot of which few Cew OW of oC today know other otner ot er than that which Is furnished by br history His first visit to Ogden 59 69 5 years Jears ago ngo At that time ho lie was waG wa on his way to California I Col Clark Is a veteran of oi the Black BlackHawk Hawk war of or 1832 and has hils many things of oC Interest to relate In connection connection I struggle tion with that famous amous This history of the Black macl Hawk I war as written today tod said Col Clark Is Incomplete tho the details being In Insufficiently InI sufficiently treated and many mistakes I being made In names and dates dales I was j 16 yearS ears of or age ago when the war broke out and an was W 8 living 40 10 0 miles mires west weal of oC Chicago when tho the first warning waa WM wa given ti cn of prospective trouble with tho Indiana I 1 speared fish with the thc son of the chief who gave me warping The Indian brave brac said sald that the tile In Indians Indiana diana had hold a conference cast of I the Mississippi and had bad planned a gen gea general eral raid on the white settlers There I were about 50 O Indians to every oJ I settler thin then and nod when war war broke br ko out the Indians had all nfl tho the best of it itIn ItIn ItIn In 1832 Clark Clarl while working 10 mlle miles west of oC Chicago plowing and spring planting saw women and chil children chIldren dren fleeing in terror and learned that the lie Indians wore approaching in force In the west killing all nil whites that fell Into their hands Wo We two boys bos hitched up a wagon and took some fugitives to what Is now called Plainfield where they Ule took re ro refugo fugo tuge In a stockade Ammunition was scarce and wo we were told to shoot at the white of their eyes At this time timo an nn aged Dunkard preacher came Into the stockade and announced that he ho was going down tho the Mississippi river to Ottawa In a boat His long white hair was afterwards found floating from tho the top of oC a long loog longpole polo pole The Tho refugees at soon af afterward afterward afterward took refuge In Fort Dearborn Soon after niter tho the t tate state and federal troops were wore In the Hold field against under General Scott who forced the savages to make peace terms terras Mr Clark thought that the cause causo of the ftc outbreak was largely largel duo due to the tho sale of whiskey to the Indians |