Show THE HE S H Ii A AA A BANQUET BANQUETA BA I I I II A 4 delightful l of Thursday Ibo given Ien at l I by b of or the time Sacred Heart Henrt Alumnae association In honor of 1 the tile graduates of the th class cia las of 09 The TIme of tho ho evening were tho tilo grado graduates radu ates thou their mothers and the resident and visiting clergymen I After a n little Isit visit and interchange I of greetings with whIm teachers anti and friends the time party left the time Sacred Heart acad ncnd academy emy emny mr at G 30 The Time banquet was I followed by an can informal reception In I honor of the lh new nev alumnae members I and amid inter lator a dancing party was given glen The graduate of oC are arc ar Miss lIss Lo 10 Lorotta rotta Miller M I Miss I Bessie ONeill o e III Hague and Miss Erma Stewart The Ile Th association I tion was wa fully represented by b resident Pond antI members 1 |