Show AT THE ALASKA YUKON PA PAi OF FLAG i TROUBLE OVER OViR POSITION EXPOSITION i i t r O I I I I I jg F I Ir I I j I I I 4 1 r I y I I II tp I r r wr I k r z f jas a arV 1 0 rV r ty l t A Ac c 5 k 4 r I 4 i I t h s rt I Ux 44 r J At top Japanese building showing o 1 the tha Japanese so and American flags dis displayed displayed played side by t side ido over the entrance I In the thc center causer conter No 1 Uriel Uriol Url l lI I In command of the North At Atlantic lantic squadron IT U S N 2 Vice Ad Arl Japanese navy 3 Admiral Harray U S N I Admit AdmI al H II i commander of the Japanese fleet At bottom J 1 E L president of the exposition to whom the knotty t problem has conic como for fOI final analysis I I i t i Seattle Wash Rash June c IS The first firstI I I I t ti and greatest problem of international i l diplomacy which the officers of the ther r i Alaska J laska exposition were k i I earned called upon to settle Rettie was as the position of and Japanese flags on the tho 1 buildings All went smoothly during r r tho the opening celebration until It was wast wasI t I noticed that t at the American AmerIca Stars and andt andi t i were displayed above a oc the flag flagA A f 1 of Japan on one ono of the slate buildings I Immediately h Admiral who has command of or the Japanese fleet at 11 r Seattle requested that tho the Japanese t flag fla be c removed from front the exposition r f or placed above abon the Stars Stara I und Stripes Tho The message was con i I i r it 4 f c 3 X JN fi i t v Sf sl R ot i jr f t I x l a J Jp l lI p i 1 f h l l lI I ii i f ff I i f I red lo to Robert t Bo oe assistant to toPi Pi lr evident Chilberg of the tho exposition and an immediately Immediate a great discussion dl arose arote e For the time being the request was gas as complied with and the Japanese Hat Ilar taken down from fr m the building It H Is though the trouble which for fOl awhile threatened to be of Inter International International national moment has been smoothed over aver and that the Japanese and Amer American AmerIcan American ican flags will be displayed side by b side instead of one over the other as ason ason on n all nil other buildings This prece precedent precedent dent was established by br the Japan ee Cie themselves In the Japanese build Mug In where the Stars and Stripes and the flat Hag flag of Japan fly to tho the winds sideby side bv by side over the entrance |