Show INSTANT DEATH OF RALPH HURST NEAR BEAVER Beaver Deaver Beaver Co June Juno 17 This I morning at C G the body of or Ralph Hurst a young man mun of or this i city was found dead at the dam of 0 the Denver Beaver River Power company I where he was employed About bout A 2 30 I Ia a m an avalanche av lanche of rocks fell from the side of or the mountain and anti one of or them passed through the tout tent In which the young man was sleeping with a companion Vernon Valentine Ralph was struck on the head held and it is sup supposed supPosed posed was Instantly killed Tho The oth other othor er or young man was also struck on the head and while he was unconscious for some hours no serious conse conso consequences appear to have hao resulted and the young man Is around again Ralph Rankin Hurst Is the tho son eon of oC f William Wlliam anti and Martha Miller Hurst and was born In Greenville Beaver Beavor I county Utah January 7 1892 1802 and andas was as possessed of superior Intellectual I abilities He Ho passed the tho grades grados In InI i the district school 1 at an nn early ago age I and also completed a high school course graduating with honor at tho the thoI I close of last season at the Beaver fearer academy He Ho had hat made m arrangements to enter Denver school a n of civil en engineering and was enthusiastic in his studies studios |