Show DEGREE OF HONOR Mrs Caillo E Cave grand chief of o hoper honor of the thc Jurisdiction of Utah Wyo Wyoming Wyoming ming und anti Idaho Degree of Honor Homier left this morning over the time Union Pacific to toI I preside at al the time session of tho ho grand lodge in Park City Utah which will willbe he be held next week weel Mrs Cave Caye was ac accompanied companied by Mrs Irs Kalo Kale E Howe grand recorder Mrs Ira S T Outline Guthrie Mrs J Furniss Miss L L Jennie Prout Mrs Alico Bowen Mrs Irs Archie Bow Bowman Bowman Bowman man Mrs Irs Susie M Simms Mrs Jean Jeannetto Jeannetto Jeannetto netto Hill lilli Mrs illS L l J Becraft and anti Mrs Jean Watson officers omeera and delegates of the tho order ordem The Tho Th ladles ladies anticipate having halu a fine time as Park Parle City has spared neither time nor money io lO to make this session one long to be bo remembered In the his lila history history tory of tho the degree of honor Mrs Fran Frances Frances Frances ces Buell Olson superior chief of hon bon honor bonor or of Sioux City la In and anti Mrs Irs Frank superior deputy of oC Spokane Wash Tash will also attend this session and they the hope to accomplish much good for the tho order |