Show SACRED HEART COMMENCEMENT Strikingly effective was the scene in Sacred Heart Hearl Academy hall hail Thursday morning when the time graduating exor exer exercises were rendered and anti four In the academic course and two In the con conservatory of music received final hon boa honors honors ors ora Time The spacious auditorium of time tho academy was wag well filled with an ap appreciative audience that admired the tho artistically decorated stage A beau beautiful centerpiece the guardian unel I formed an aa exquisite background with of roil rod and white whit anti and floral festoons of the ame color those these of time the class 1909 were everywhere in iii ci el i I dence tience j Prominent among anong tho ho guests wore j Reverend J J 1 Sullivan D D Butte Dulle V I Rev Rey J Kennedy Kenned Butte Butle Rev Re J n 13 Thompson Bozeman Mont Reverend nd J Ryan Hun and P M 11 Ogden Roy Rev Ro J J Guinan C M 11 president oC of All Hallows college collego Salt SaIl Lake Lako City CIt Rev ne L C G M 1 Rev Ro J Duclo Ducios C M Snit Salt Lake Lako City Rev Ho J han ban Colorado From tho the opening chorus from fromn Lohengrin to tho tIme last note played by bytho bythe bythe the tho two graduates In the Conservatory V of f Music artistic taste and exquisite j I finish were displayed I and Nod by h the time private vo so vocal 0 cal class cias R was appreciated as It dc de deserved I served a perfect combination of words anti and music The Time work of Miss Stewart in vocal ocal and Instrumental I music was wag exceptionally flume fine and see lIec I I mild ond only to 10 that of or Miss Malone Malono both hoth hothI bothI I young lathes ladles being bein graduates in Sa SaI I croci Henrt Conservatory of Music I I Special commendation was given glen Miss I KIchler r and anul Miss G Malone young I violinists of rare merit The Time physical I culture class in tnt exercises and anti artistic j I dancing won prolonged applause I The literary numbers were of un unusual I usual u ua merit The timely recitation I Tho The Maid of Orleans by b tho time class I in iii expression was given in iii perfect unison and anti was a gem in movement I marl and Interpretation Miss Malone In inV V her monologue Time The Musicale cap captivated ca p I II I the time audience au by hr her natural naturalness i I ness fleEs of expression nd acting Time The I I essays essa R were ere Individual In style stylo and treatment Miss Elizabeth 1 showing depth of thought rind and strength I I of expression while Miss lIss Monica Mil Mu Millers I lers was a n poetic gem echoing the tho I oCt Inspirations of her mountain I I girt girl land Miss Hagues sympathetic I view low of Tennyson was as timely and talc talt Ing while the time valedictory as aB deliver detler delivered ed by Miss Malone was wa touching and tender lender a n poetic phrasing of genUo thoughts and tearful farewells V I The conferring of medals anti and diplomas diploma foil fell to Lo the friend of if Sacred Heart Rev P M Cuhna Cushnahan han whoso heart was sas evidently In his work I limo Tho address to III tho the graduates by byI b bI 1 I George H Davis Dals was a gem of oC oCI thought and acid expression in which he ho I urged the tho young ladies s to cultivate V the poetic element for he declared I that lint the Lime poet saw his fellowmen more moro clearly than they the saw themselves for or he ime realized their best besL The Time force o othe ot of I the time threefold training in which tho the V VV V spiritual and amid ethical were svere 1210 not neglect neglected ed Cd was apparent Mr Mm Ir Davis Dais declared ell ellIn in the time graduates of Sacred Heart and aUll amid he 10 urged them to be true tue to those thosa V Ideals The nit art and anti needlework display In Inthe i time the library repaid those who the tho second floor where sam samples pies ples of students work were displayed I Drawing designing pen lien anti and Ink sketching water color oil oU china and 1111 all nIl found place anti aid amid amidI I time the dainty cups cupo and saucers one might aught Inspect excellent samples of Palmer penmanship geometry exercises ec cc Special mention should be made maele of nf the work of Mrs Bowen Miss Irene Tom Toni ask Goldie Goldic Roberts Susie Jackman 1 I and A Irene Sadie Sadle V Boecher Beecher N dla Rouff and anti Hilda An Anderson Anderson derson I IThe 1 The Time fancy fan C work worle was of exquisite dain daintiness dam dresser centerpieces in Sn f eyelet embroidery beautiful design V in lii and serviceably ap au I pillows prevailing r The final of 1909 closed I with a banquet at It 11 was waR given glen complimentary to the lie colas class or of 1109 1 09 and time tho inI I t 11 into time the Alumnae of Sacred Heart i Academy V |