Show REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS The following real rca estate transfers have hao been heen filed flied for Jar record in the of office office fice lice of o County Recorder Wallace Annie and husband to Jos Joseph Joseph eph cpu S R Peery uio middle of the lie north third OL oJ section IT ii township C 6 range 3 west est Consideration 35 5 Janet Janel Allen and arid J W Allen to Jos Joe Joseph Joseph eph S Peery tho the west third of the north third of section s 17 1 township C G Grange range 3 west wesL Consideration C Mary J Davis Davi to James E a Halver Halverson son Bon part of tho the northeast of section 28 township C G range 1 west Consideration Francis Tate and nd wile wife ot et aK aL to Robert Hobert A Moyes MOres lots 1 2 a 3 and I t tor of or section IS 18 township 7 range 1 west Consideration 1300 Henry Henrj M 11 Porter and wife and Fine Floe P Ernest and wife to Mary lIar 7 T Davis Dals I parcel of land In the northeast one quarter of section 28 township G 6 Grange I range tange 1 west vest Consideration |