Show TACK A beautiful though quiet home nome wedding occurred at the time home of Mr and Mrs Ills L W V Tackett Wednesday evening when their daughter Miss Noll Neil Vivian Tackett became the bride of oC Louis Bernard The home was elaborately decorated in roses rose and palms Promptly at 8 30 time the bridal i party took their places In the time parlor andRev ind Re Rev Mr Ir read reail r all the tho im irn marriage of the tite Epis Episcopal Episcopal copal church In mi the time presence of morn memo members hens bers of the families and amid alii a u few fow inti intimate intimate I mate friends Time The bride was lovely I a handsome white while princess prince s gown of hand made e lace the time material materia of which was a the time handiwork of or the grooms mother Mrs H H Spencer Spencor and anti car carried I ried an Immense boquet hoquet of car carnations carnations carnations nations The Time bridesmaid Miss 1155 Ma Mabel Ia I bel hel Conger was as gowned In iii white Willie messaline and carried white while hito car carnations carnations I nations The rho groom room was attended by b George Knauss Refreshments wore were served Crell by b Misses dee Cleo and Clista Me Mc The young couple were time the recipients recipients of many man valuable gifts gift among amon them tho the wedding cake made malle as a compliment to tho the by b Mrs Brit Briton on Mr 11 r Mansons private cook coole Sup Superintendent Manson Mansou In whoso whose office she sue was employed ed for four years ears pre presented sentell tho the bride with a silver chafing dish while time the office force torce sent a dainty chocolate set as asan asan an nn accompaniment to their best bol I wishes 1 Mr lr Spencer is the son of Mr Mc Ir and Mrs IL II H II Spencer SIlencer and Is a prominent omit ent mining engineer of oC Utah and Ne No Nevada N Naela Novada vada aela and amid a graduate of Stanford uni tuni university I 1 Mr Mi and anti Mrs Spencer left Thurs Thursday I lay day da for Hawthorne Nevada whore Mr Ir IrI Spencer has mining Interests and they tile I I will ill make mako their home there 1 |