Show I HOLD NATIONAL CONGRESS IN MILWAUKEE Milwaukee June unc 19 Fully mon mou monand I and aad nd women the tho to advance guard gird of oC the National congress aro are In Mil Mu Milwaukee Mi I waukee eager to Ihn bo he among the first firstIn firstIn In the flue drawing for seats s for the I tournament today tOri and tomorrow It ItIs ItI Itis I Is iR expected that hint at least 2000 players will wil take tako talo part In the time competition for Cor forthe forlie the lie Ut prizes which range from a scarf pin to o 1000 In gold While Wale the women will 1 not be ablo able to participate In iii the tournament di dl direct direeL reeL a movement 1 Ii is on foot to start an al associate membership and amid the board of directors will 1 bo be requested to act ou on 01 this matter matr at nl the business day dar meeting which will vili wi bo be hold on Sun Stun Sunday |