Show II I NOT THE BARGAIN HE THOUGHT I Discovery That Seriously Interfered i I I S with Millionaires s Joy i I I You think our o American million millionaires I aires afros buy bur a good many man fake pictures M laughed Its Hs pitiful Its shameful But U what can they ex cx expect 1 pact Its Ils their own fault fa ll for buying bu pictures as they buy bur lumber or steel i rails according to specifications Ill I never forget the last pictures I was t tasked asked to look at by a rich American He lie was proud of them So convinced that they thc were wore masterpieces There were 10 W In ln all and they thc had cost coat him francs It was a bargain all allright allright right If thoy they had been genuine for j I there were great groat names in the lot i j several old masters maston a Diaz a Theodore Theo Theodore dore doru Rousseau a Daubigny and sever seer several al Corots usual millionaire assort assortment I meat ment Well ho he said as os I studied them Some of them thorn are rc well done dont I admitted I IAh Ah Alt ho purred I But Bat not genuine Whitt You mean youve ouo found a counterfeit My Ir dear sir Im sorry but they are arc all 01 counterfeits Cleveland folt fott In Success Magazine I |