Show J VOL VI VINO NO f tJ CALHOUN I JURY fAil FALTO TO REACH l IN TWELVE HOURS 1 Fate F ate of Millionaire President P si e t of San Francisco Street i Railway System Will Be Known at Noon Today Five Months Trial Ends J San Francisco June 19 After r he h hIng ing ingo ul eleven cloven hours and rind a half with without out a verdict the jury M ip the caso cazo eM of Patrick Calhoun the tho th mil mu t lion president of llie the Str Sr l 1 way Astern of San Francisco whose who t five months trial on a n charge of o cry orr ended this thus morning was wag locked J up at 1120 11 20 tonight Judge William WilliamP P La Lawlor announced that the jury wi chI eld not be bo brought into court until inti norn lOM n tomorrow Tho The defendant and the attorneys for both sides were ex cx until that time Judge Lawlor stated that he ho had In the attorneys to have hac him In Incourt incourt court whenever the court was waK in ses aba slon ITe Jfe thou tho it l that procedure i would meet all requirements I ISan San Sau Francisco Franeisco June 19 The caso case of or Patrick Calhoun and an issue that bas has divided the people of o San Fran Francisco Francisco cisco during the last two years ears was submitted today to tho the jury jur that thal tried j the president of or tho the United Railroads upon an Indictment for bribery Up i to C G tonight when the te twelve lwe ve men had been given gon over six hours for their thc lr deliberation no verdict had harl I been beon returned and Judge Wm m P Lawlor ordered a recess of three hours hour for dinner In the interval tho jury was taken to lo the St Sf Francis hotel for Cor dinner and with tho the courts order for Cor torn toni adjournment there therO disappear disappeared ed cd tho the last hope of an aD early agree agreement ment Ill ent during tho the late afternoon whoa whon L the Jury had I ad been boen out ont over oyer four hours there thoro was vms a sudden summons for Judge Lawlor and it was announced that the Jury was returning Mr Mv Calhoun and his attorneys who had been outside the thc building returned lo to their accustomed places just juet as Judge Lawlor resuming his seat scat up upI I In n the bench announced that the ju ors hail had requested to hear the of or one of or the tho few witnesses testimony te Involved direct dIr lon Lion of or the defendant The reading required about forty fort live five f f minutes anti and while it was vaS iu In pro lire gress gross Assistant I Attorney Benoy accompanied by bj Rudolph Spreckels financial backer of tho ho graft prosecution hurried down lown tho the aisle conferred with his colleagues a ato to learn the tho reason for the jurys re ye turn and amI remained until the twelve men again filed flied out of oC the narrow doorway and up til tho the short flight of oC stairs to the lIle jury room on the floor above Many Inferences wore drawn from the reappearance of or the jury but bilt beyond the lie brief remark of or George G Gillespie an elderly building contractor tor who exercised the authority ally all entrusted to the foreman no ro re f reliable liable conclusion could be made j I IThe p pliable The twelve men In the box upon whom every eye in tho the crowded court courtroom courtroom room was waa fixed were equally atten attentive live tive to the reading of ot the testimony i I which was closely closel followed by bJ the ati at tornes on either cither side I In order to prevent tho the possibility of or a demonstration In the lie vicinity of or orthe the room where the Jurors were do tie d liberating the streets were cleared of spectators as soon as Mr Honey Hene concluded his address which was terminated at 1030 this thiR fore forenoon forenoon forenoon noon after the prosecutor had ba spoken en for over sixteen hours I Luncheon was served to In Inthe inthe the Jury room and It Is iE probable that this course will be followed in Inthe inthe the future until some decision In the tho case cane is reached San Francisco June 19 Concluding the lie greatest Issue In the history of or ofSan orSan ofSan San Francisco graft grail the tho case cao of oC Patrick Calhoun millionaire president president dent of oC the tho United Railroads charged with bribery briber was given gen to tho the Jury I before noon today after aftel a atrial atrial atrial trial that lint dates back ack to January Januar 1 12 1209 Assistant District Attorney Alt Francis J Heney In a session of court that opened an hour before tho the usual lime added materially to an argument mont ment that thal had lund already ahead extended over overa a period of or fifteen hours before beCore I William 1111 a m P Lawlor hogan began his charge chargo to tile the Jury jur a few minutes before 11 I Every Ever faction of municipal politics p I and 01 shade hado of bill bitter or j I that hul 1 has hns arisen since the overthrow j I of Boss Doss Abraham Ruef three years y years ago was as represented in the lie over i whelming throng that stormed storm cd the i doors of oC Carpenters hall when II IIi court assembled this morning Mount lount Mounted cd ed policemen charged Into the tito crowds again and again and a full company compan of I patrolmen Inside the building and out i iwas was wn scarcely ablo abio to preserve order nud flud nut regulate admission to the court coull courtroom I room When Wun Mr Heney faced the Jury jul for tor forthe forthe the final tI al Instalment nt of or hi his address I the hall hail was WItS packed to lo suffocation Mon Men anti and women prominent In n every cerr i detail of rif the thc life le who lint hall l fought for Cor entrance counted them I Fes fortunate to Tia ae e the tho I ego gC of standing In the remotest corn erl while In tho the street hundreds were j i I in line lne by h the police olce or pm r i tood patiently at the time ends of the tho 3 i lock denied oven even tho time privilege igo of re rc I l t In time the of the hall hal j I Not alone of the exceeding 1 I bitterness that has as marked mO many of its ls 3 j but of its Is length has haG B I Ithe Ithe i the trial been a notable nota hIe one in west I j era ern er history Between 12 1 of f this year when the tho attempt to lo secure I L the first Juryman was iras as Instituted and i today tota when the case was given to time the tiO twelve men finally selected livo a I months and a week elapsed and amid luS H S Sars days ars had hind Intervened Of this luis period d I 1 lO days had ha been devoted to court t l I If f j BP sessions In this respect the flue case caso caseI i I out outstripped every een record established I Jn In the case of Abraham Abrham RuM Ruef who J I wi was wag was convicted after ater 70 76 days das devoted I j I t 16 to l actual court co rt proceedings I A thirteenth juror Michael Murphy was wag wa added to t the tho regular panel paol of t I twelve by b order of Judge Lawlor with wIl i the tito expectation that his services might i 1 be bo bl required by lW emergency Three I mo months and two days were necessary to qualify the tho thirteen jurors Of tho 2310 citizens summoned by b the sheriff 1423 12 were actually subjected to In Interrogation cas case ter by the te attorneys in tho the 1 Peremptory challenges were ere first cx ex exorcised ore on March 9 D and since that thal i dal date dute six members of tho the Jury have hae 1 be been n custody of a court bailiff rc Te residing siding at the tae SL St Francis hotel Four Fur other members of tho the panel have havo ben been CJ separated from their families and business affairs since March Marh 31 n and amid aleJ the others since Rince April Apri 11 H when the U thirteenth J juror was qualified Tho The typewritten record of tho the case C amounted to words when the tie Jury jUl was completed Judge alor attorneys ne e and witnesses have added an aim another i other million and to the bulky n transcript that time mak making lag ing J a total of words 1 rhe The cost of the trial Including the ra maintenance of Jurors a a special po police poUce police lice Uce detail transcript and the usual 1 expenses of the tho to court for so great a period can only on I bo be conjectured conle but hul hulIt 31 I It is estimated that it Jt will wi exceed 5 When the tho morning session opened H who had harl spoken fifteen hours at al Jhc h hc end of last nights session re resumed rc d the final stage of or his argument His voice was hoarse and he spoke rapidly apparently In an effort efort to tomake t tomake make mako the most of his allowance of ninety minutes Mr lr made mn le direct charges of wl and perjury against sev several se en eral erl officers DC oJ o c of the United Ja lie ams L r cI Galagher Gail ghers wei home h In aE OaKl r had ji been dynamited by agents a of ot tIme Iho defense and mt al fit tt the end of this sub subject J joel suld suli Now that A A A Moore of the dc de defense Cense has assured nio mo that thal tho he de eJe defendant defendant e and amid his associates wish me mea a long life le 1 I shall take added precautions ions tons for my 0 own protection and make co certain a as I can that I shall s al not be he shot In the back or dynamited d In my bod bed The Tho evidence hero shows that thal it l is often oren possible to lo prepare a de do defense te In iu advance and I dont over overlook overlook overlook lul look warnings of this sort sortIr Mr Ir Heney brought his argument l to a close three minutes minue ahead of the a allotted time A moment before he WJ was engaged In a review of oC the tetI testimony m mony monr of a supervisor Judge Lawlor Lawior reminded him tImid that the remaining mo me moments moments ments were few Cow and und Mr Heney in throwing aside a quantity of notes yet c et to said saidi Gentlemen G I thank than I you ou for your attention t I leave this caso In imi your hands confident and expectant that thal Ol San Sami have hao no cause to 10 W question the good faith of your ver var verdict or diet dict whatever It may ma be bo and lud time tho State l office of oC California will 1 learn lear from r your our conduct that you ou do 10 not have hae na tp bring before a Jury the men who saw a briber pass the money moner to secure a D conviction and amid aul that any an n amount of circumstantial evidence will wi IK not hot be treated ted as Insufficient when a wealth weal man Is on trial although a supervisor l for Instance can be Dl convicted in a few minutes a recess of five minutes tho ho thodor doors dor were locked and the Judge be began be began gan his imis Instructions to the lie Jury jur Patrick Calhoun was ono one of oC the lie score of ot wealthy corporation officials indicted as a an nn outcome out como of or the mu mit municipal upheaval of 1907 when lh the administration dominated by b Mayor Eugene B E 1 and amid Abraham Ruef was overthrown In Jim November 1905 Francis J 1 Honey Hener already well 01 known us as a a n public prosecutor charged In I public address that lint Ruef fuer and were gul of corruption and with I W V J Burns Burs formerly a government secret service agent undertook an investigation of privileges awarded several public service corporations Ruef Julf and were Indicted on w charges of oC extorting money moner monc from j French restaurant proprietors in No v 1906 after Her Ruef had failed in inan inan Inan 0 an effort efort to seize tho district nays office oce through his hla own appoint mont by the board of o supervisors Tho The graft rf investigation as ag it Il came camo cameto I t to bo be known wan waB an conducted secretly f for several months following but In Inthe inthe I Ito the to early carly part part of or March 1907 Burns Burna Bur I in trapping Supervisors I Thomas F Lonergan Edward I I Walsh and Charles F Boxton in the act of oC I accepting money mono from Golden M lf Roy RoyA for fora A skating rink proprietor who was wag I acting In Jn the Interests of the thc prosecution prosecution tion ton Within a week we ok eighteen super sup supervisors cr I visors rs had confessed their acceptance of money mono from six fh ix different sources It I was RS subsequently announced that i the tho had bad been promised Ini i for their testimony against j tho the men charged with wih offering tho the bribes bribe The Oliver grand Jury I under unde the direction of Mr ih Heney In II I October 1906 heard the confessions j I of the t supervisors on March 19 1907 1 and nud during a period of 18 bours hours re n turned over oer indictments against various persons charged with wih com coin illicit In the I Mi 11 Calhoun together with wih Abraham Run and three subordinate officials I of tIme tho tJ United Railroads was Indicted i i ion en on fourteen counts three of oC which were ere returned d by a later grand rau jury It 1 was wa charged that thal tho hue corporation had hind secured from the supervisors In May ila 21 1906 a permit authorizing substitution tuition ol or the overhead trolley system for the cable cab o lines partially destroyed by bJ the th earthquake and fire tre of April rl 16 1906 Calhoun and the tho other do fondants wore were accused of or having paid Ruef Rue MIL and the supervisors for foi fo their services in securing tho th permit for tho the company com pan and each elch Indictment was wn based base upon the tho money moncy received by hy one ono of tho supervisors Tirey Tire L Ford general counsel for Cor forthe CorI forthe the tho railroads was one of the officials I Implicated in tho the Indictments and during a period of eight months monthA was waR I tried three times lmos In the tho first In stanco a a disagreement resulted and In two subsequent trials Ford was wits ac ne acquitted acquitted quitted qui ted RimEs trial upon ono one of tho the trolley Indictments was com corn commenced on August 27 1908 There Thero was an interruption of o several lays days subsequent t to November No 13 ii when wh m Francis J Heney was shot in inthe Inthe the court court room b by 13 an who committed suicide in tho the county count jail and three volunteer prose noso prosecutors took the Ule caso which ended Do Dc il cember r 10 1908 when a Jury jur returned a a of ol guilty gu guOn On Omi December 29 Ruef was sentenced I I to fourteen yearn eam In Son San pen 1011 penitentiary 1101 and nd since then thea has been con confined conI confined I fined In 11 the jail jai awaiting ac ae action aeton action tion ton on an appeal to the higher court curt The Tho prosecution during tho several severn I trolley trials has attempted to provo prove I that thal Calhoun on the day daJ following tho the final passage of the time permit sent from j New ew York to the mint in this city which he previously author authorized authorIzed authorized the mint officials to pay to Tirey Ti roy L 1 Ford Tho The money mone as a a Is admitted was vas withdrawn In three installments by Ford Forr who presented orders signed by b Calhoun It was alleged by b the ho he prosecution that within a few days after each of Fords visits to the tho mint he lu 11 received a call from Roof Following this theory James L IJ Gal Gallagher Gallagher Gallagher chairman of the t c supervisors testified that tat Ruef Roof had paid him over In lii July mind and Ind an equal amount in the following month Gallagher declared that flint he lie had retained for himself had paid to An Andrew drew M I Wilson Wison one of his lieuten lieutenants louton ants and Jl had given to each of or orthe the supervisors It I was vas 35 affirmed by bythe b bythe the prosecution that thal Ruef Roof and anti divided the tho balance of the fund amounting am to about The specific Indictment upon which Calhoun was tried was the offer errer of ofa o oa ofa a bribe of 1000 to Supervisor Fred Fed P Nicholas to influence his action up imp upon on OD the trolley permit permit Nicholas call called cal called ed cd as a the first witness admitted the acceptance of the money moner for that pur p cose I On Saturday and Sunday Sund J March 26 JG and 27 the te offices of or |