Show rJ i MRS M ANGUS rius WRIGHT TO RETURN TO j jr Mr lr and Mrs ills Angus T Wright ar nr arrived rived r d in Salt I Lake ake yesterday from 1 home in fu Ocean Park Parle I ark Cal Cat Mrs Irs Wright left Ogden last Octo October October October ber hoping to regain her health on the coast but up to the present J es nt limn t thas has found no improvement and now nov no g returns to seek seck strength in the crisp air of tho the mountains for fur which she I Ihas has felt a deep longing for tho the past several seera weeks Mrs Irs Wright Is not confined to her bed but docs does not attempt to 0 walk for any nn any distance Her Hor nervous condition 4 Is such dint her physicians do not al allow allow allow low many visitors She will prou probably probably ably be In ht Ogden in a week eele |