Show INCOME W TAX Tim TO BE I CONSIDERED LATER EATER I I I II II Washington Juno June 19 lIThe The senate today covered a multitude of subjects In connection with the tariff tarl but made Ince final disposition of nothing of I tanco Tho The income laconic and corporation tax questions received attention for or I I sonic some time and wore were ere postponed until after tho the tariff provisions proper roper shall shah f be finally settled Senator Aldrich from the committee I Ion on finance brought In the tho committees I amendment to the tho wood wooI pulp ull para paragraph paragraph graph which proved to be a provision for doubling the duty on wood pulp I coming from froni countries which under undertake take to prohibit the exportation of logs to this lila country Senator I presented an amendment for or the tie cut cutting cutting ting in two of the house ad valorem duty dut ou on cash registers Mr Jr E also presented the tho finance hide provision I All Al these measures were left at the tho close of the day where w elo they the stood at al atthe althe atthe the beginning The le wood wol pulp amend amendment i ment was as recognized as aU an effort to 10 retaliate upon Canada because of that effort efort to prevent the ship shill shipment ment meat of f raw maw logs to the tl United State ind nd senators generally desired an op opportunity opportunity to study the lie subject su before voting upon it Senator Burton made Objections to entering upon the final consideration of tho the cash register quos ques question lion tion ton without giving the National Cash Register company whose headquarters arc nrc In Ohio an opportunity to lo bo be heard hean Tho The Income tax question wont went over because h calse of the difficulty of or getting Re Republican publican senator to consider It until the tariff should be disposed of or by b tho the senate Mr Ir Dailey Bailey who has hns held out for Cor a vote voU in advance of o the lon Ion Llon of the work wont on the schedules schedule nt at last conceded the postponement 01 oa the Iho understanding that when the subject does doos tOl come como up a vote will wi be bc permitted on oil the direct question and not forced upon Uon a motion moton to refer reCer tho the subject to la toa laa toa a committee The Tho hide amendment failed for final consideration for Cor lack Inch of time It I was still sUI under tinder consideration when hen the Uio sen senate en enato ate ato adjourned The committee amend takes hides from the tho free freo list and atud Imposes an ad nd valorem duty of or 15 Hi pop per pOl percent cent which 1 Is tho the law Sena Senator S ni tor Ix ld Lodge dge o spoke for noarl three thre hours j In opposition U to t the provision and Sen Son Senator atom ator Clapp spoke briefly in the tho same same line lne There was not time for other othor speeches but bul Senator Warner found opportunity during tho ho day dar to lo make duty I frequent remarks In the tho th Interest of the tho |