Show MURDER MYSTERY STILL t I Chinese Lover of Elsie Etie Sigel igeI En I Route to Vancouver Via Panama I l I I Uncle Comes to Aid iid Id of Stricken i I Family Warns White Women Against I New cw York Juno June 10 Until a dapper built Chinese ChIne well wel educated and when last soen dressed in Jn a black suit stilt ull of or American Amorian cut clif cud Is under arrest anest I and put through inquisition known as tho thu Third o It Il is I likely Ikel that tho the murd r of ot Elslo Elsie granddaughter of oC General Ge nal Franz Sigel I civil war hero nero will wi remain r n ln I Leon Lon Ung ng alias las Leong Leo alias alas Wm Tm L Lecon alias alas Wm M i Lion converted Mongolian Mori MO W I n restaurant proprietor admirer of dt white ble women and lover of or Elsie gei is the tho man nuan But when whon or how ow ho h loft leU New York while tho the girls girls body bd boday oy ar cramped and amid decomposing In ina a battered bat red trunk in tho the stuffy room he h formerly occum occupied pied remains to be hO learned Je With him is supposed to bo hl hii i i companion and aud nut erstwhile roommate Chung Sin Situ who alike may imay be he able abl to w some seine light upon tie the murder J Some Sonic reports ports say sy both arc arcon arcon arcon on their way wa to Vancouver via Ja Pana Panama Panama Panama ma but bul this rumor is lg only one of ninny many m j Few murder cases casoL in New York have developed more rapidly anti and at time como no nearer to solution tion ton than tho the Sigel mastery m terr The Tho mys mysterious mysterious phases of the girls gins life le wore brought out today toda hor apparent craze e for Cor mission work among ng the t e Chinese her ber associations with ih the man who Is supposed to have killed her and amid last lv Iv v the fact fac that thaL It I was wa on his account that Chat hat she sho left IcU hornet homo on Wednesday June unc D 0 v It I has also come conic out omit that the th girls mother now prostrated according to reports and in a hospital had been een fearful earful of her herda daughters safety ever since ince nce the girls disappearance and had searched Chinatown day dl after atC day da II without success Tho and Paul aul SIgel tac tc ath however r against bo e I n c y tho v 1 r signed E B S was lS sent fr D DC DC DC C on the Ito lo fateful Wednesday This message read Will 1 be home Sunday or soon Dont worry The father as far as can be b learned leared hurried to Washington today toda to deter determine determine mine whether ther the telegram was sent by b his daughter or as a blind The police maintain that It Il was sent by bJ a n I Chinaman quickly after the murder as asa I In n a ruse use Leon or Lion and Chung Simu investigation tion lon showed today conducted four fur res tan rants In all al one near Fort George Georgeon on the lie hudson not far Car from the Sigel home lome in the time Bronx one at Conoy Coney IsI Island anti and another at al Patterson Paterson N J and arid another at al Norfolk Va Ta Elsie entry Into the ous ens ways wa s of the he Chinese came cam through her mother who was sas long identified with Sunday schools mission I wIt and work ork orkIn I In Chinatown In lii this way wa va the tle girl camo came to know various mou and when Leon Leo whom sho she met at the Fort George resort attentive he lie was received in the Sigel homo home and I continued his associations with the girl until his love became violent Then from what be learned can the father forbid the thc Chinaman to 10 visit the hue house bouse I It 1 was then that Elsie although afraid of her admirer deserted her home That the girl cut emit her family famil ties tics because of the Chinaman is It Indi Indicated Indicated b by the following note You seem to be growing cold to lo tome me mc Just think of tho the sacrifice I made for fo you oum m m my mJ friends For Fo Gods sake sale dont forsake me Signed ELSIE As to lo the tIme motive for the murder the are arc Inclined to lo accept first jeal jeah j I OiS and anti then love mania A letter loter to Leon threatening him if he lie persisted In his attentions to tho th girl was among amog the tIme missives n found In Chinatown a n Celestial Celestal known as a Yun Ding Is I salt said tall to have haYe admired the girl Police activity here has hns brought about aboul the te arrest of three I who were associated with wih the tIme restaurant ant keeper Sun Leung whose place the time body bod was found html but they are aro hold held only as material witnesses Sam Sim Leung is missing An autopsy held this afternoon de the determined crammed that the victim died from asphyxia but since there here were indica indications indications lons of poison polson present a c analysis will wi be necessary Franz Sigel an uncle muncIe of the mur muir murdered 01 dered girl has Imas come como to the th aid aiti of or the stricken family of or his brother For some sonic time it is I said suit he lie has hus been estranged from toni them because of or Miss iUsI activity among amon tho the Chinese He HI j t said that he had warned Miss Sigel j I many times against associating with Chinese Speaking Sneaking as aB time the uncle of I Elsie h said I would warn all al women against association with wih either In church or other otherwise otherwise wise I do thu not believe one Ole In a thou thousand thol thousand sand of oC tho the conversions of Cinnamon is genuine My niece was an Innocent girl irL She Sho had few fes ew associations of those chosen for her ller by her hor mother and she sho ho honestly honet t believed It waa wa her mission to Christianize Too Into lato sho she realized that time the feel feeling feeling ing of the Mongolian toward white women Is animal feeling I believe this Chinaman L Leon x u killed Elsie in a spirit of animal revenge Chu Gain proprietor of the tho Port Arthur Arhur restaurant re In lii Mott Molt street I won was detained by b the police tonight as u a material witness winess Ho lie I admitted that ho lie knew Elsie El lc well vell wel anti and because of this ho incurred the tho th of Leon Leomi Leonand and received an anonymous letter jotter loter say sa lag Ing that lint If he lie did not hot look out ont both ho lie 10 amid the Iho girl would he c killed I Chu Chum Gain said be ie w WH w 1 J aware cor of lie hc girls gIrls disappearance and hail had hal Lcd an advertisement in a ow York paper on elm 01 Monday asking her hor to come como back San Francisco l June Jimmie 10 The local police polo department was as advised today by the time New Nc York police to keep koell a sharp lookout for Leong Lee Iee Lira Lm I wanted in tho the eastern metropolis In connection with tho time murder of Elsie Sigel According to the tho telegram th thi con converted converted Mongolian Is believed to be hue beheaded headed for fot San Francisco fo Every hory steamer and train wilt will wi be bc watched wate by bytho bytho bytho tho detectives I I Washington June 19 1 Another thread was rattled added to the clues cities in the time I Sigel case tonight ht when the tho police that three days dt f after tho the thoI disappearance of or Elslo Elsio from Now I York a young woman accompanied by bya byI h hI I I a Chinaman answering William Leons ons description and another Chinaman and anda a white woman registered at al a Penn Pennsylvania PennSylvania sylvania avenue hotel betel hotel The quartette appeared to have hae spent spent only a couple of days at the IheI I place and ani their whereabouts outs after that lint thatIs I Is a mystery A development which Is IR IRd regarded d by the authorities as more moro Important is the lie report which the tho police received tonight that aside from Crom the original telegram which purported to 10 have been heen sent by br b tho the girl sill to tl her parents another telegram was wag sent seal by bya b ba a Chinaman to another Celestial Celestal In iii Ii New Now York The police are aro Informed that lint the thi operator can Identify the per person son soli SOi who tiled flied lec the messages at nt a branch office of 01 the tle telegraph company in tho ho National hotel hotel Some Somo illiterate person or o child ap apparently patently wrote the telegrams with the name of Elsie Elslo Sigel Sl el and anti sent from here lucre hereto to 0 Paul Sigel on the evening of June Tunc 12 1 according to a statement made to today toia day ia by b Manager Travis of the Postal Telegraph company Detectives have hao made a search through Chinatown In Inan nn an fn effort to find some trace of Wm Win m Leon but lul have boon boen unsuccessful unsuccessful New York June Juno 19 The Tur murder or of oC Miss Elsie Sigel granddaughter of or General Franz Sigel whose body was ras found last night crowded into a trunk In of a n Chinaman af after ter or sue she had been strangled with a curtain cord appears to bo ho tho the most remarkable case tho the police have have hail had har to lo Investigate in many years One of the odd phases of the case cale Is the thc failure of the murdered girls sirls fath Cath father father Cather er Paul Pa Sigel to Identify the body hod as that of ot his daughter while hule the he girls mother has hus h s declared that the tho articles found in the room whore horo the body hor was belong to her lieu daughter Ac Jc Acquaintances of oC Miss Sigel who have hae seen tho the body hod of the murdered girl assert that hat It 1 Is lii that thal of Miss Sigel and fd a number of or persons persona have havo been boen found by the police who declare that the be young Joung woman has bas been a friend of or ortho tho the Chinaman William L Leon Leomi for years carS It was stated today to a that the tho had hai hall gone to 10 o Washington 1 j to te bring rin Elsie home Leon who was as also known by b sev several oral eral Chinese names was still all unfound u t toda as was also ilso Chung Sin who oc ou occupied c d a room adjoining that of Leon I Both Doth rooms are arc on the lie fourth routh floor 0 ol of iSO Eighth avenue between Forty Fort a seventh and streets over overa overn o a a Chinese restaurant conducted by br Sun Leung The police are search searching 1 lug ing for or Leon Lon hut but with scant of f him as IS It Is believed the tIme mur murder murdel d der del was waR committed possibly as early carl carlas a as Thursday Today the police gave gC out a n report that tha Leon Lon and Chung Sin haul had sailed saied 1 last Friday for Vancouver B D C on a steamer going by l tim the way ay a of the lath Ith Isthmus mus IUS of Panama Precautions havo I I been taken to 0 intercept the steamer at an Intermediate point If I possible le leTho Time The police of o Washington Washington have hae been r asked to aid the time New York police by r rI f tho the original copy of a telegram I i received by b the girls parents from Crom t that city last Saturday saying I I will wi be homo home by h the te cud of the tc Dont I week worry It yas as OS signed t with tho the name of oC 1 Elsie Bisie SIgel Miss Sigel had been en engaged i In missionary work among the tho Chinese of oC tho the city for a few years ears In 1 behalf behal of oC the c of the Orientals Oric Tho young oung woman was about years of or age This morn mornIng morning Ing Florence Floren e Todd one of oC tho the mis workers work rs in the thuc Chinese sec section section I tion ton who ho Identified Miss boil bod I told the thc police polee that the girl and tho the i Chinaman had been be on thrown much to together I gether for a few years and that Leon was greatly enamored of o the te girl that thal 1 he was Intensely jealous of her and aid I disliked her to receive recelo tho ho attentions of oC oilier olier mono men This had hind caused Miss Sigel to fear Leon uon Miss liss Todd said That Thai Leon hind had other correspondents I than Miss Sigel was discovered when between 1500 and a nd 2000 letters main mainly mainI ly Jy I from various arloU women in New Ne York i ork anti other cities were found In his room Among mong tito tie were wre many signed Elsie f which were described bv by b the police as love hove letters leters The con contents cont tents emits t of oC most of them were not muot reveal revealed revealed ed cd by h the tho police but hit in one olO of them tem Elsie reproached Leon Leomi for fOI causing trouble between her father and antI her he herself self Keif Just think of tho the sacrifice I have hae made for you ou she sic wrote In ono one letter hotter A noto book bool belonging to tu T Loon Ion anti and aOI containing the names and addresses address s of hundreds of women and girls was found Cound Miss shoes and stockings were not found In the room whore tho thio body hd was waa wal found It Is believed sho she was Yas kept a there thore anti and her footwear taken from Crom her to prevent her hor bo leaving the tho room |