Show KANE HUMOROUS EDITOR Deseret News Utah has a new now humorist To Kane county count belongs I the proud distinction of producing a country countr edi edl tor who Is decidedly decided I funny His name Is W y T P 1 Dobson and anti the medium Is the tho Lone Cedar a weekly paper print printed ed cd at Kanab Kanah It will be recalled that this Ibis humorist sent the Initial number 2 i 71 jj 1 d J t of his paper to Governor GJ crr Spry recently with a request that ho lie get tet the state stale printing The sample ample was wag not very promising as the entire con consisted of or one virgin white page am ant another containing about two sticks slicks of o matter Tie The fourth number however shows signs of or prosperity pros and an carries a n full line of or local loca news j I Under the heading tir Society News lot of Angora appear the following libelous lous Items Cal StebbIns our blacksmith is IB us ms ing lag one ono of his buckwheat cakes for an nn emery wheel When a fire breaks out In this mans town all of the tho members of tho the aico Hose HOSO company are arc noti Oed lied by b postal card The cement walk In front of ot the tho is cracked Guess It must have been stretched too loa tight when It was wa put down Jabez Storms Sturms has bas started suit for I divorce against his wife for incompatibility of oC temperature SIte Shoe has cold coid I feet I Amos Huggins lender leader of the he house ouse choir the forkS fork last Sunday Sunda and now there thore Is music In his soul I Jimmie Pike wont go to school and his folks have hac decided the only way war they the can make him smart stuart Is to stick a mustard plaster on him Ansel Pike Is i taking lessons on the tho harp at this writing He lie ought to tomake tomalee make malee a success of if J It as he ne Is the cham chum champion champion pion plea gooseberry picker pickel of oC Since Grandpa Prouty lost his false falso teeth at the candy cand pull last week he lie has huts been using a pair pall of oC horseshoes In Instead instead stead and when he lie chews he lie makes a anoise anoiSe noise noite like Sheridan twenty miles away He Hez Prick has sold turee goat dogs lp t tho the manager of an nn Uncle Toms roms Cabin show The manager sa says s goat dogs logs beat bloodhounds bloodhound all holler for fot chasm chasin slaves across the Ice Sirs Mrs J Jorl b Frink of our midst intended to join joir the Daughters of the tho American Revolution but when she be began began gan to look up her iler ancestors and found foun nine In jail and seven soen In the th insane asylum as lum she suddenly changed her mind I and joined the Darkin Soap club in instead instead stead Miss Dode Potter tried to break brenk her engagement with Rufus RuCus Hard Hardscrabble Hardscrabble Hardscrabble scrabble last week but found a wart had grown on her bet finger fingor so o she sho get the ring off and the smart set of polite polito society can cnn still hear bear wedding bells In the t distance Our Out milliner Is using a 0 shredded wheat biscuit for a rat and the con can constable constable stable Is at work worl orl on the case trying trIng to find out if she is violating tho the pure food law The last time Hod Hall Purdy sent down downto to Kanab for quinine they sent it to him In lii capsules Hod says sas ho dont I like to Lo got get it in capsules for it takes too long to shuck em off before I III It Ii is party purt neara near a hard on the teeth teet I as eutin cutin peanuts By B gum I thought summer mummer had come come I sure when 1 I heard the crickets hol hoi lorIn horin all one evening last hint hl t week but butI come to flat find out It was only onh Hob Hoh Pur Pun Purd I cly d lv his new neuv dollar watch atch |