Show o 0 o Q O 0 TO THE WOMEN OF OGDEN 0 O O 0 c 0 cC C O The he management of tho t Og O 0 O 0 den Morning Examiner has en on 0 O Q o aed a crl Miss Ihs Martha March who O 0 r ro V O will write and edit ellit a It Womans ornans 0 O OO O 0 Home Homo Pago for Tor the lic roadS road 0 O O ci ers CrR of the Examiner This liik 0 O OO O 0 department will nuiko un Ita O Q OO QC O C first fir t appearance 0 O OO O C Ing Iri with tomorrow morn 0 O OO C O Issue and l d will continue to 10 ti 0 O OO O 0 he hI h a dally dalh feature The women O C OO Co O 0 of Ogden Ogdon have ha long tong needed a 0 O OO O 0 Homo Home Pane Page and now no 0 O OO O 0 homo home paper has hog offered off red them 0 O OO O 0 what they the tIie want Girls and mel 0 O OO O 0 women can c n ask questions of 0 O OO O 0 an any nature pertaining J to any an 0 O OO O 0 and all nil questions whether per 0 O OO O 0 or otherwise and all a 0 O OO O 0 questions and ind subjects will be 0 O OO O Cl given ghen space pice by h the Iho editor of 0 O OO C O this t lH department It Is It hoped 0 O OO O 0 that the women of Ogden will 0 O OO O 0 make mako themselves at home In 0 O OO O 0 this department to the practical 0 O OC C and useful ends of o all ull Com Corn 0 O OO O 0 tomorrow It ft Is your 0 O OO O 0 department ladles Tako Palm ad 0 O OO O 0 vantage of It IL All MI letters and 0 O OO O 0 queries qu addressed to this de do 0 O OO O Ci will be received by 0 O OO O 0 Miss March personally and 0 O OO O 0 she sho will answer and debate any 0 O OO O 0 and all a question of Interest 0 O OO O C for or the women of Ogden If a 0 O OO O 0 personal reply Is preferred 0 O OC C o kindly kl enclose a stamped en 0 O OO O 0 and tho tim editor of the Uio 0 O OO O 0 Homo Pago Page Department will 0 O OC C 0 gladly and promptly answer 0 O OO O 0 your our communication j Address 0 O OC C all letters to Miss Martha 0 O OO O 0 March larch Womans Homo Home Page 0 O OO O 0 Department Ogden Morning 0 O OO O 0 Examiner Ogdon Ogden Utah 0 o oO O 0 0 o Mrs Irs S D Baron Is visiting friends In Salt Suit Lake City I Norman E Small Jr of Evanston is visiting friends In Ogden I Miss Lillian Stevens visited friends In Logan during luring the past week Miss Pearl Pear Eldredge of Evanston Wyo Wro Is visiting relatives In Ogden J r 1 D Skeen and family have returned from a trip to the tho Seattle exposition Miss 1155 Nan Short of Salt Lake Lal e City Is i the guest of oC Mrs Frank M 11 Driggs T i Mr tr Tind Mrs Driver DrIer aro are home from Crom California for or a aMiss I I Miss liss Lena Worlton Vorton or dr Salt SaIl Lake Lako City Is IB the guest of oC MI Zina Lar kl II V Mrs Irs B F Pace has gone to 10 Phila Philadelphia delphia for or a visit with relatives and friends Mrs Irs W V A McGaw left Thursday for a visit to Seattle Portland and nd Ta Tacoma Tacoma coma I M Is Green Greenwell well has gone one to 10 California Call Cornia to upend spend the tho summer with relatives Miss MI s Gertrude Gertrudo Diddle will leave next week for a two months vacation on the coast coall I Prof T I H Masters of I Ogden High school left eft for 01 Idaho I aho this week I Mrs Irs Edward May and n Lulu Loin LuluMay May Ia of Los Angeles Angele Cal spent tho the week in Ogden with friends I Mrs M B Cardon has returned from Ely Nov Ne where she ho has been visiting ing for the past week I The fht Sisters Birthday met at nt Tuesday afternoon aft at al the th homo home V of Mrs W V M N 1 Anderson J on I Mrs F M 11 Drippa and son and daughter will leave next week for fOI California for or a R tWo weeks visit Dr Lorin Lol n F Rich and anil family of Rex Rexburg Re Rexburg I Iburg I burg Iris Ida have hae moved moed to Ogden and will make mako their home hero I I Earl Barl IB Is II homo home from Phila Philadelphia delphia where whore he ha lia h been attending V school for the tho past year ear Mrs rs T D Ryan RHU entertained the tho Fri Friday I day dav Sewing club on Friday afternoon at nor her homo on Adams avenue ac III W I Mrs Walter Waiter J of Salt Lake I City CHy Is In Ogden O visiting her hel mother II C Woodmansee I Mrs hg A A Reid Read and left on orr for Cor an extended visit with relatives s and friends In the t e east cast I Mrs G B 13 Roberts of o 1221 l t Twenty I fifth Mth street departed for Omaha Thurs Thursday lay day evening to visit relatives I Mrs Mra E B W WV T mid and Mrs J J C Armstrong have hac taken a cottage cotta go at J I I in canyon for or the sum summer sum mer Inc r Mrs George Ewer I Jr and children of or Evanston 0 were worn the nC guests of oC Mrs Mis Ewers mother m ther Mrs Irs J W V Cain I during the past week V I Irs Mrs rs Sam Browning and daughter Miss i 1 Erma Browning visited Mrs Mrs Browning mother Mrs John Bench BenchIn I In Logan LOJ rI this week ML Mm 11 and Mrs C CW W V Ward Van wore Yere Iho of honor at a n dinner tinner given at In Ogden canyon by tile tio es Bertha Smith and and Jansen and Mann Ian Mr Earl Richardson and little V laughter daughter have hare returned from Salt Sail Lake Lako L kl City CIl where whelo they have ha 0 the pa past l week eek with Ith friends Indies of or the 1 church and their will 11 be enl Thursday afternoon V June lie home homo of oC Mrs George A I V VV V 2364 E B avenue across the tho viaduct I Ladles Ladies LII are art to moot meet at tho the Presby Preshy I terian Lenan church where wh re conveyances cont ances win will bo ho furnished 1 Mrs ills C H Barton Borton was hostess at an I afternoon affair on Friday Frida V Mrs Fred Parkinson of or I anti and Mrs Louis Harding of Roxburg were time the guests Iu of Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Join Joun I Cully during luring the tho week I Miss Mabel Knauss I of tho the faculty of tho thu school for the deaf and blind left evening for Chicago Chicaro to toV toI V attend tho ho national convention of o tho the I teachers for tho the deaf leaf The ladies of the Baptist Kensington ton were ere entertained on Thursday after arter afternoon I noon at the homo home of Mrs L 1 F Brook BrookI I I shire shiro I Tho Thu Ladies Missionary of o otho tho the Methodist let church met at the home nomo homeI I of o Mrs E B A on omi Thurs Thurl Thursday I day tin cia afternoon An Interesting program was carried out and the afternoon was one of oC thorough enjoyment i Superintendent Frank M of tho the state school for tho the deaf and blind will leave next week for Chicago to attend attenh the national convention of or tho the thoI teachers for the t e deaf cleaf I I Mrs John Culley Culler Culle has imas as nor her guests her sisters Mrs Fred Frell Parkinson of I I Lewiston Mrs 1118 Lewis Harding with wHit hop hOI children and Mrs Lorin Rich with her hor family I John G 0 c Heywood who has hns been studying law Jaw at tho University of o Virginia at Charlottesville has hns re ic returned returned turned home to spend his vacation 1 with his parents Mr and Mrs Irs A R It Iti i Heywood j The Toe missionary ry band of young oung young lad all ladies ladIes ies les known as the time What I Can gave a delightful lawn party parts at which rc re refreshments were served ser d at the Bap Baptist Baptist Baptist parsonage Wednesday afternoon and evening I Mrs C W Wright was tho Iho honor honorI I guest at a large largo tea Wednesday af afternoon afternoon afternoon given gien by 1 her sister ulster Mrs 1 r s sRichard Richard P Morris at her iome In Salt Lako Lake City CIl CIlI I Mrs J S Gordon and daughter Dorothy have returned home homo after aCter a visit of several days doys with Mrs 2115 liar Hal Harry ry r Clark in Salt Sail Lake City An musical event of the week was the time piano recital given ghen by bythe bythe bythe the pupils of Miss Gertrude Biddle Biddie All V were well we received and showed careful training Miss Eva Farr Farm attended the tho wed wedding ed edding ding cling of her friend Miss Sybil Clay Clayton Clayton Clayton ton Wednesday evening in Sail Salt Lake Lale I City 1 Mrs Kate Kale L Walsh and infighters daughters Mrs Grover Groer C and amid Miss Mac ae Walsh left bit Friday Frida night t for Dillon Montana to visit thoR their daughter and anti sister Mrs P R hi Brown Drown They The will also visit their old home bome at Boise Idaho V Miss Ivy J Cleghorn and Miss Char Charlotte Charotte lotte otte Izel etzel of Salt Lake City have hae been beon visiting friends in Ogden for a afew afew few Cew days dars Miss Zora Zorn Thayer Tha er who has b cn I visiting for some time with Mrs Irs Geo Ceo GeoA A Woodruff or this city left lert today toda for 01 her home at Bonton Harbor Mich ilIch MichIgan Michigan Igan Mrs Judge Kemps and daughter of ff V arc visiting with Mn Irb Kemps brother and sister at Poplar aye avo nuo nue I Mr and ann Mrs Mr H Lewis have havo taken a cottage collage at Idlewild for fOI the tho summer Mr 1 and amid Mrs Arthur Kuhn V thou guests this week I Mr and Mrs Charles and Ellen ElIcit and anel Jane of Me MeGill lc Ic Gill N Nov y visited friends s In Ogden this week on their thou WL way siy to 10 Yellowstone park prk antI and Seattle e I IMI Miss MI I Lila Lib Eccles has as a a guest at ather ather I her home Miss Edith E Peterson of or Chi Chicago cago cage I Mrs S A Wheeler and Miss B Hodges lodges J of St SI Joseph Mo Io are arl In Og Ogdon Ogden don den visiting Mrs Wheelers Wheler daughter Mrs A R Mcintyre Mrs rs Leda ieda Kuhn Marks of St SI Louis Mo and Mrs Irs Selma Kuhn uhn of Kansas City Net Neb ore are visiting I their parents Mr 11 and Mrs Abe Abc Kuhn Miss Rosalia Rosalla iii and md Lut Jul Lutral I ral J 1 E H Moore were married Thursday IIII evening at the home of the brides parents paren ts Mr Lund and Mrs J 1 D II h ill botham hotham 2313 23 31 Jackson avenue The TIme I ceremony was witnessed by b relatives und and Intimate friends Mr 1 r and Mrs Moore will leave leae in about two weeks I for California where they the lie expect to malco their theil home Raymond Rogers entertained a cir dr circle circle cle do of of young voting friends on Tuesday alter after afternoon I noon at tt t his ills home in honor of oC lila his Hr fifteenth II birthday anniversary Tho time lime Li inc was spent pleasantly at games and nad a daintily appointed luncheon was wasI I served f Those present wore wc re Volma Vlma lallo Flora ff I onora olora Hall HaIl II May la Cook Glenn Bud Dud Cook Seth Stone Stono and anti Ben Charlesworth I A pleasantly arranged d surprise of Ithe time the week wook was time the one clue given gien in honor honorof I of Miss Mien Wilma Vilma and Walter fIlm I Iler ler who loft left the latter nl tel part purt of If the tho V week for Omaha Those present were the tilL Misses MI ses Norah Noralu Keener Beatrice La Union H and Margaret Bauman Dauman Helen liden Gu Thelma Cronin Vera Vem Mity Birdie Frost and amid Ernest Ho gan Irwin Covey and George and Toni Tom Cronin t I The Tho marriage of s Alice Allee daughter tel of V Mr r and Mrs Irs of to lO J 1 Clement Farr Parr of oC Og OS OSden den took look on Wednesday morning morn In Inn in n tho the Sat gnU temple t mp The OU tare are arc well p known ies es of w J friends who join In best hest wishes for fOl their lieu happiness After July Jul 1 J Mr and anti Mrs Mn Farr Farm will be lie at home homo at nl Fern Fein Block Drook on Canyon road The flie Good Goad are arc preparing to take an arm outing on June A place In tho time country where all the fine fino ripe strawberries can bo obtain obtained ed cd will be he secured and cand a jolly good time may be 10 had All members will willbo bo ho doing doln themselves a t great gret favor Clyor by br holding themselves In iii readiness to tobo ho bo one of tho party palt Tho Time Good Coach Temp lars Jars meet each Friday night at S 8 p m mIn mIn mIn In Trades and amid Labor hall hail on Twenty I fourth street streeL |