Show LONDON WANTS JEFFRIES fiGHT Chicago Juno 19 If Jeffries and Johnson over eer got get together the bout boul will not noL tko take place in iii Australia and aull may ma not nol take lake place in America The offers mMe made recently for or the match are so flattering that nl George Lytle manager of Johnson thinks he ho can cannot not nol do bettor than at nt the National Sporting club of London Johnson will w JI never nover box hox in Austral AustralIa Australla la Ia again he said yesterday and al although although although though Hugh has hus that t offer of still sUH standing I dont think he can pull off another big bout there thore The political angles anglos of the game crop up in the way WRY of opposition so strong that I think nc tie a up against L it The Tho ho National Notional Sporting club has a small arena but the prices 1 aro large largo The il offer from rom there thero looks best to me McIntosh talked of oC holding a bout In ln n France but bul the game scorns to be he too much of a monopoly over there thore for them to let Jel a foreigner cut in inToe Toe Joe Jeannette will noer get got another nother chance to lo meet Jack Johnson Even Een if Jeannette follows follow B Jack to lo this city cily when Johnson arrives July Jul 1 I as Joe has been asserting ho lie will do tb no match will result rosult L made this statement following asser lions In Now York that he ho is entitled to a chanco chance at al the title liLlo Johnson has boxed Joe six times he said and there thero can he no nf ques question question tion Ion that thal Jeannette Jeannetto a chance with ith him What would be bo the good goodof of paving baing bout with him John Johnson Johnson Johnson son gets gels lucre here soon but bul he Is going out ont to Cedar Codal Lako Lake to train for COI hIs bouts with Al Kaufman and anti Then if Jeffries will not noL meet him ho will go abroad |