Show OPEN LETTER TO Of UTAH To the lie People of Ogdon the Investigation which is taking place at the Industrial school 1 is to determine dot Mr Thomas fitness to fill the position he occupies In reality and md of necessity sky sity the entire management Including the board are arc on trial with rith Mr Ir Thomas That this Is keenly l appreciated by b some seine of tho lie members of or tho the board Is attested bj by b the efforts made mado to develop the tue fact that witnesses to the brutal treatment of oC Inmates failed tailed to report the same BaJUe to the board One witness at the Instance of oC Rabbi Freund was called upon to define hor her reluctance and hesitation up tip to the present time limo as cowardice c The fact that the tho complainants did not go to the board shows sho s their th r good sense If the tite board did not know knol those things it must mul have been boon wilfully dumb blind and heartless He takes take my mr life who takes tho the means whereby I live Before Judg Judgment judgment judgment ment Is passed on tho the acts of those In Ia employment it is only Just to look to the tho manner of oC mon men who are In power Why Vh was It that when the citizens present and a majority of oC the thc Investigating investigating gating committee desired to change tho the place of meeting to the city hall hail halland halland and anti obtained the governors consent that the tOc meetings were continued at atthe atthe atthe the school The Tho he syrup grup which was sampled and the paddle which was not could have been conveniently re reo removed removed moved to tho the city hall hallI Signed EUGENE A BATTELL BA TT LL I |