Show j i J tir P c tt r D c lEvery Dy ib W k j 1 0 e o ill ID a J I t I 1 I 9 4 j vr t tj I i 1 H j p J I 1 0 j Ali TJ 1 f H j 1 t Cushion t r 60 Crops Tops U P Pr s 35 C I for fur forI r I Thirty Inch Japanese Ja ce s Drawn Linen r Squares pure linen two Inch hornI homr horn hom f I r 1 t I stitched hem horn hand drawn centers conters J k i it iv ii 1 linen squares one and andone Inch hem hemstitched em embroidered one hal t f j broidered In white while linen solid Damask Damasie JS 18 by hy h 51 54 inches with woven I f patterns one ono and Inch hem hemi These pieces are arc all allworth allo alli t i 09 hemstitched o i worth up to During Doring this his aale u f 1 the price will be bo 75 limiting two to toa toI I tm a customer Stile Sale of oC o Cushion Tops fops Our entire big hi line of Cushion Tops fOllE new de der designs signs hns values from no 50 to for top topi i and back hade with free n e Instructions In the making during hiring this sale salo for 35 vii Including sots sets plaques fan anc I Iy pieces nieces boxes of all sizes mir mire mirrors tors etc Your choice chalco of any any piece t y 1 In the tha whole stock during durin this talc sale salof f tw e 1 for Just half price t I I I I I E I VI s 4 J 1 2 1 2 r C CI r I I J C T Tc Talcum I I II I i m c face n powder fresh i h stock st ek all a colors box during this s sale ale aler e for 39 r i I 1 I Sachet powders a variety of od odors v i 4 val nl 4 i r ors on your roll choice of our I tl f i is uns acs n for fr an at ounce 25 I Fountain syringe fresh stock stuck 2 quart fountain syringe S with I three values for fOl 98 s li I 1 ti the thee great l I l scalp cal and hair ha r remedy 1 00 MO i I 6 size size during this tins sale for 75 f Jergens Jerge l assortment of toilet soap SOil t I 9 0 different bars hari for 19 Talcum l Powder genuine g nu inc ine s two cans eans for 25 4 Jap Rose soap genuine Jap Rose Rs Rosei i luring during this sale a bar 7 J J Cuti Cul n i soap fresh stock S tc during dUt c Lorin nfl g this tillS sale bale lc a n box 55 4 Sempre Go size sire for 35 S t l 72 large sizeS size sile 1 for fol 39 Holmes s Fragrant fresh stock size for fOl 19 Stationery St full fill boxes fresh flesh new nett newW r W stock 24 sheets of paper and 21 envelopes n worth wort h up to and aud 20 for fot a n box 9 I 1 U o 0 25 o GLOVES IID 41 D DU 85 C CT I Ladies T 1 les kid k IC 1 gloves g oe our gilt entire emir 5 r all nil colors and sizes choice oC ot I stock of 12 and values I the thc lot lol a pair pa r 85 i I I Ladies long silk Ilk gloves 1 00 I I values alts for fol a n pair stir 79 r i if help us this week creek to turn worth of merchandise into I cash cashwell well reward you with the best values this city has ever known in spite of rain the store was crowded yesterday and those who were here are now adver advertising advertising advertising the June Sale in a most effective way every department bristles with June Sale Salett price tickets come tomorrow or any day this week Keen Price Cutting on 2nd Floor The best prices we have ever eyer made on the Second Floor will be in effect during i this sale x 5 Corsets Special side sale of Corsets complis comprising ing some sonic of the best manufacturers such as IS War Val Warners hems ners Royal Roval Worcester V Kabo habo Bon Bonlon Ton Red Hed Fern and Nadia Good models mod ls in the time medium L Llong best b t long hip h Ip bd quality of silk lIk batiste linen b hat a t i ste and French All these cor corse corsets se sols sets t s have havo t I front and side l hose support supporters ers rs all sizes l from IS to lo 30 p values from t fiO to sale price Short sample line made of good quality of lawn some are arc the loose negligee styles others have a belt bell j good assort assortment assortment assortment ment of colors regular 1 val values values ues sale sae price 39 Wash Skirts Wash Vash skirts white wh te tan navy black and white and plain black back values up to for 10 1000 Dress Skirts Fifty wool skirts skirls voile panama and wool mixtures mostly black hint k all this th If seasons styles st les values up to 1000 for ill i I I June Shoe Sioe Sedas 1 I II I I Q r pairs of ladies Indies I II 1 strapped slippers and I consisting n I l I of or odds mid and ends of i I pt wt our spring stock e patent at nt leather u with wi h I light soles vici kid t i trim with extension soles for fOl 95 1 pairs of chil childrens chilt drens dren s shoes and t I I Corn Complete etc line hue of ora la ladies 1 t tI v v r j Ij dies dice Oxfords all e sizes and c widths t rd n Q all new worth and for fur fora fura r a pair 1 95 1 t tI I pairs of mens high grade Oxfords patent colt or 01 calf or 01 kid stock all late styles regular 1 J Jand and 5 val values vallies 11 lies ues lIC S 11 95 slippers size S 12 a pair 95 to 2 for pairs of boys I Oxfords all sizes worth 2 and 1 22 a pair 1 1 45 A for 1 0 Babies soft soled shoes shoe GOc GOe val values valves ues ves 35 for e 0 This line includes the famous Douglas and Walkover makes Mens itens work shoes sho s sall all Si sues S val values valves al IHS ues 11 95 for 10 e i S Bargain Basement I Jelly tumblers a clear drinking glass plass eight ounce quality the kind of tumblers t we a sell at 40 a set Those These are arc fitted d 4 with caps and have smooth tops j per I I set 29 t 0 Pickle crocks in any and size size from one to five f e gallons lS at a i gal gaI gaIt t lon Ion 1211 12 2 w Lids Li s at the same price Borax Boras chips the greatest of all allI I laundry l und preparations Ol size 5 I for Remnants a few lew remnants of fa miscellaneous goods at just juste e half price rice Tea Ten cups and saucers white Q American ware for the time cup Clip G and saucer 5 d 8 Dinner plates same price crock churns complete with dasher 68 A lot of granite ware including t 8 I tI t O 1 t I sauce pans milk pans puns dish dishpans dishpans pans pie pic plates etc elc i pieces worth up to Se each for lO 10 Glass berry bell sets an imitation of cut glass Ilaf large howl hostI and six individual dishes for 58 Fine Pau thin blown hi own glass tumblers with dainty patterns pat t InS each 5 i Dinner Dinnel sets sels consisting of 42 pieces of white English ware which wh ich is guaranteed not to craze and which will not chip easily 7 i values for Genuine nt copper Coppel nickel plated tea kettles 1 5 quality for 98 Alcohol A lamps with wit h small ten kettle ket tIc for nursery nurs r or si sickroom sick sickroom k kroom room complete 50 Combination picture and p plate late rack in in 1 Mission style 98 9 i Carpet sweepers r National N l make e I O Ferris erns Waists ass c Ferris Waists black only sizes 19 JO to 22 regular 12 values I for 59 I Corset Covers Comet Corsel Cor cl Covers bishop style sly Ie made of oC embroidery and lace Ince trimmed In all sizes values up hip to special ial price 25 c Baby a Bonnets e Bab Bonnets Dannels made of summer silk daintily trimmed all nil new and clean stock slack regular and values alucs for or 25 i U O FOR ANY LADYS SUIT IN INTHE CIt li THE HOUSE Wool Suits Stills at half price These are all this seasons models and you have our c entire stock slack to choose from Now Is the time to got get a good wool suit suil at less than the cost of the tho material and at the lh I same sElme time a strictly up to date model l odel Misses suits 1750 suits O 0 3 50 75 for o U for 00 V o 1350 suits stairs s its 2250 suits 1111 ii Ii 6 75 25 for o for 4 1 Jio o 4 4 1500 1100 for suits 7 7 o 0 56 U 2500 2300 for fur suits 2 o 0 5 If 0 I 75 Chiffon Taffeta 25 Lot No 1 1000 yards of bright blight lustrous chiffon taffeta most m st all colors regular quality q t for fOI a yard 25 r Lot iLot No o 2 2500 yards of cord silks most all aIr colors 7 values a yard yo Id 35 Lot No U J 1500 yards of satin foulards fOil lards Los Lus trl Tussah genuine Rajah and nod fancy pOll pon gee o 1 1 and values for rOl a yd 50 Embroidered 11 I 3 5 es Y C J Embroidered regular quality for a yard 15 Arnold Swiss m in all col colors colors colors ors quality qua ty for 19 Dotted Su all ull colors 25 quality for 19 Linen Luton Lm n for fot shirt waist suits sits jacket suits sorts boys waists rompers etc a n yard 31 1 11 Dress ginghams in short lengths lOc JOe and 12 quality 1 for fOI a yard 8 Tan percales with Wit l black blue or red reel clots dots j i special sr price a yard 9 Figured Fl red lawns la 15 c values a 5 for 11 Bordered Bord red lawns 40 inches wide quality for 15 e O e 4 j Childrens Colored jc c Half a Pryce rice Sample line iiiI of chil h l lW W t t hen colored oord dresses dresses made of gingham and J d percales good assort assortment meat ment of colors blue pink milli cadet ladt red rose roseand roseand and aud black and tIld white cheeks checks ages G 6 to 11 J t tn years n 18 regular n r to tol l I 00 values s your you yo iti t r choice during luau the time Ju me Sale at just dust t HALF PRICEr PRICE r 1 Childrens s white while dress dresses es Cs made of or good lawn embroidery c and laco 11 mice J P trimmed French and m 3 rk Buster Brown stales st les q sizes 2 to lo G years tears val values tl r lids ues in the lot up to 1 sale 39 QA price p ri ce 0 Summer Underwear Cheaper T Childrens Ch high neck n 1 and long sleeve vests yest i c i light weight t cotton otton c also tl so low lct neck acct and iJ J P no sleeves same quality 2 20 0 values i 11 for 15 c le Ladies J low 10 neck sleeveless lisle thread ti lace trimmed t vests i 35 values for 28 1 Ladies high neck and md long sleeve lisle l thread vests 50 values for 45 IsI Is M I II ir s I Ladies lisle thread lace trimmed tt pants ants r high extra good mood quality qu nOt values for fOl 42 i Ladies low neck no sleeve lisle lise thread t tight knee GOc values 45 Q r i I Y I Ladies low neck nock no sleeve silk mercer mercerized mc I I tight light knee nce 15 val values nl t 6 11 II l TICS ues for c cz cr z h r N Ladies low neck no sleeve I 1 I tl trimmed with wit h Val lace extra good quality 0 value valIe rOt for I CURT E VJ MUGS ETC 1 Snow Snort Flake curtains all col colors COlors ors striped three yards suds long ong values for 00 values values valnes values alnes values 95 Lace bed hl sets sots serpent ruf luY ruffled fled daintily trimmed some som with wi u centers cen full size s ze 1 4 feet 6 G inches wide and 6 G feet feeL G 6 inches long ong 50 values ducs values valnes OO values 0 00 values alues 1000 values L e S S th an H I ii P rice Some ling Goods 00 Dress 5 Start Startling Prices e 0 o Read the reductions on dress materials 5 Crepe De Chine 0 Q o Q OL OLOur 0 C Our entire line linc of fancy ribbons worth and a yard including all nIl the hc latest novel novelties ties lies just half price Crepe dc de Chine an assort assortment assortment ment of designs some Rome worth during the June sale you may mo have hae raid your choice at it each 96 40 Woo Wooi Cha Challes 0 es 1 7 Half I wool challies plain and fancy weaves suitable for house hous dresses d dressing sacs lies childrens dresses waists etc reg regular reg regular ular 40 quality for 17 1000 yards of dress goods gools wool materials in ill in 1 plain lain and fancy effects stripes checks etc eh worth up lip to for 33 1700 yards of plain pin in and fancy wool dress drevs ss goods roods 42 to lo 52 inches wide all of the latest t tl weaves wc most all colors ti and 4 val al values al alUCS ties ues for 75 1 ft C COLLARS DUTCH s Vc have hae just received a beau beautiful beautiful beautiful line of lace Ince Dutch collars Venice and Baby Irish effects during this sale they icy will ill be sold old SOc values allIes for fOI collars for 50 JOe Oc collars ollars c for 60 e ID C Slat Hat a Pins C Hat pins pillS including a n line lino lill which were s 5 at and upwards sale price 33 1 3 f DOTTED D NETS Fourteen pieces of embroidered and dotted nets 6 G inches wide white and cream eream regular and and values for fo n a nya nyard yard ya rd 75 One nc line of cotton colton torchon lace and insertion regular C and Ge 61 value during ng this sale 3 One line of 25 barred handkerchiefs hand handkerchiefs chiefs with hemstitched hem and neat embroidered designs sale salo price each 15 Our Om cul entire ire line of GOc GOo and Toe em embroidered broidered handkerchiefs j special cial ial price rice each Jeh 49 4 1 t Vo c have hIo some wonderful bar bargains bargains gains ns in jn embroidery remnants which we will place on sale sole at about abort half the Ilie price you Olt would have to pay for fol them their from front tho the piece p leee ings in all nil colors regular JOe JOc and GOc values sale salt price a it yard 25 GOc 60 Wash Materials 35 Our entire rc stock of wash materials including ng silk Rille tissues Plisse stripes fancy striped ped dress linens etc worth and and GOc GOt a yard for lot 35 Bordered dress goods all HII the latest novelties s worth and GOu GOe a yard for 35 Dress linens in plain colors 45 inches wile wide 75 quality y for fOI a yard 3rd 48 Silk mulls nulls in most all lill colors and yale val values al tics ues 11 IS 1 Cotton foulards quality for 15 Mercerized d voile quality for 15 e fW a Stockings Cheaper Bronco Buster Stockings li t l stocking for children In two styles for boys bo s or fl j girls made of a hard hax l twisted t W cotton which will resist went wear the exact quality lIal Il ity for 01 which other othor stores arc asking is Sc a pair sale safe price 2 pair for Cor 25 Pony Stockings the most famous of all stockings black or 01 tan tun 1 three weights jalc male price cari 0 5 t nit l tit for i Ladles Stockings our famous No ff equal in every respect to stockIngs stock stockings I ings usually sold suld at 35 85 3 and JOe a L pair The rite sale ale price will be e 5 i i pairs for l O limiting each customer to not over ocr six pairs Ladies I Lace ace Stockings black white wh gray and tan hoot boot patterns and some Rome allover lace regular regula values ahles for 19 AlJ J wool art alt squares at nt half halt t 7 price rice r 8 f i r 3 by foot Toot size worth o ou u O for fOl 3 I a 3 by 3 foot size worth 1000 Ei d for Q G 3 by 4 1 foot size size worth r 12 1200 for values attics t for fur f values for fOI t Rugs in an assortment a of de dt designs o 0 signs floral and ornamental size 0 9 f by 12 2 feet t finest finc st makes i t Rugs for i 1200 12 00 rugs MIgS for inches arches Smith Saxony rugs 36 by uy 72 71 I ITh et 3 r t i iW W Coats a s Spool Cotton 6 for e Coats thread ad all colors blade black ew and white best hest thread 6 G spools for 25 f Ladies handbags including and an nn assortment of goods worth wOIth up to offered during this sale at each ench 98 r tiro Handbags Hand including all nil of the fin finest finest I W Wesl est esl qualities real walrus your choice of our um finest line at a re reduction I duct ion of off I Shears six and eight inches long longworth longworth worth SOc and nud GOc sale saIl price pr co A Q e Parasols Parasols including ng all ne nt new styles There here is is not an aim old para pnra parasol sol in the lot including chil tIt f fat at lit the time following prices 1 r c ladies parasols I ladies parasols ladies parasols r ID 1 I c f ladies 1 a d t s parasols I s y C l 80 G i ladies parasols I tOO ladies parasols s c ladies parasols I ladies Indies parasols I iJ J f o ladies parasols ladles ladies parasols ladies Indies lad iN parasols SOc childrens parasols 39 75 childrens en s parasols 60 fi childrens parasols 79 0 12 1 s parasols 98 I 9 j childrens parasols childrens r parasols 0 i iH l H E u 1 1 t 1 1 |