Show OLD JOHN L SULLIVAN GRIPPED BY RHEUMATISM Famous Gladiator Will Leave Exposi Exposition Exposition tion and Take Needed Rest May Return Later Lator In Season SC l on Seattle June IP Rheumatism has put John L L Sullivan down clown for tho the count and anti he IK itt going to take all nil the tho time allowed allo d him by hy the referee he be before fore oro ho he comes cornea hack for or another mix up UI The old uld gladiator felt ell symptoms s of rheumatic pain before ho he loft Lon Len LonAn Angeles An eleR for or Seattle and since he ar arrived rived here bore but bItt first ret guess that thal some somO something something thing had crept cropt into his bones has ha been een verified Sullivans S right arm rm IB is off oft bad When he attempts to spar with Jake he ho raises his hI arm by supreme effort hut hilt he holds it as 18 nearly nearl stationary as aC possible and Kilrain uses every possible endeavor not hot to tl touch U It But every eve now anti and then something som hap happens happens happens pens and Sullivan IB in compelled to suf suffer I fer tor or excruciating pain A 1 lot Jot of oC have havo been boon maHo marlo hilt but only one of o them line lifts bean been accepted by Sullivan Ho IB is trying ex cx heat heal to bake e out ou the rhou rheu rheumatic matic pain and then he will try tr a t complete rc Somo Some or the time old fight fighters I ers cr friends have that hat h lit fin try tn Soap Lake the tho ho I that all nh Wash suggest at al some time for al rheumatism I Sullivan will leave leAe Je o tho the exposition next week He IIa will put pul In about three weeks trying to shake oft off tho rheumatism tIara ana anci resting on John Corts ranch lanch Then he may ma return to the fair Calr or he mJ ala go out on a vaudeville tour At Atthe Atthe Atthe the fair fall It Ills Is declared he will back butt but billi if i the time rheumatic symptoms continue probably he will not In Tn the place made prominent by Sullivan will be ho placed II aced a circus with witha a string of ot trained animals Including a couple of elephants thrown In for or good measure |