Show I r LAr j y J 7 II I I i I A BATTLE FOR BUSINESS 30 WORTH OF HIGH GRADE CLOTHING SHOES HATS BATS AND FURNISHING GOODS FOR MEN TO BE SOLD IN EIGHT MORE DAYS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE I J 1 I J i I I R 0 0 PP 1 MAN filth Twenty Street e 4 rr J 1 I STUPENDOUS REMODELING SALE I WE PROPOSE TO DISPOSE OF EVERYTHING BEFORE TEARING OUT THE INTERIOR OF OUR BUILDING AND AS WE VIE HAVE HA VE ONLY EIGHT MORE DAYS TO ACCOMPLISH THIS VAST FEAT WE VE HAVE AGAIN GONE THROUGH UGH OUR ENTIRE STOCK AND MADE DEEPER OUTS ON PRICES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS SO BE ONE OF THE FIRST WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR CLOTHING TO BE SOLD FOR FORTHAN 1 LESS THAN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BUY INFERIOR MAKES TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS IN OGDEN IS THE BEST PROOF AS TO THE TRUTH OF THIS AD WE MEAN EVERY WORD WE SAY AND IF YOU I DONT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED ON SUCH SU HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE AS WE HAVE ALWAYS SOLD YOU WILL BE THE LOSER EACH DAY WE ARE REPLENISHING I 1 OUR mm COUNTERS AND SHELVES WITH NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY WHICH HAVE BEEN DELAYED IN TRANSIT OPENED UP AND SOLD ALONG WITH THE REST ATA AT A FRACTION ABOVE ORIGINAL 1 j NAL NAT COST SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY READ A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS WHICH WILL GIVE YOU AN IDEA HOW THIS STOCK WILL BE SACRIFICED OED J J 1 f u f I i Ii CLOTHING 1 Tailored Suits in fancy and blue serges 1500 val values valI vallies l i I lies ues no now k I Kle Tailored T iio d Suits s ii d double ii breasted i ted bl blue and d black l I Serges 2260 2250 value now noV S 1 1065 I We Vre re have hue black ck and blue serge snits suils make val values a alies I I lies ues up lip to 25 1 to be sold tomorrow only 1265 t r j Every suit stilt guaranteed the newest and most stylish of the season r I i 3 anti and the greatest values ever eYe offered Boys BO c 8 dont dott s miss miss it its itI itI I I 50 two Suits Suite in ill light and dark effects values up to 15 only 4 w 11 We r e c ol have e a n few r of f those it s 15 and c 20 2 I 1 1 i l S Suits il left ie r only I I one and find two of n a kind which we arc propose to dispose oL or oLI olI j I I I only t 5 and Inti Y 7 a I 0 pair pail Pan Paints Us from 7 75 5 up Come look them over oer and we wo know fl H you rou will buy buys 1 m c r HATS Sro Sr o HATS FOR EVERYBODY AT ANY PRICE UNION MADE MADEA A lot of Hats H at worth up HP to now nowA r r r r 75 c A Mot lot of Hats Bats worth up 11 p to f now A lot of or Huts Hats worth up 11 p to now Tu Tn these lots Jots while the hats are new and stylish the 01 sizes sixes are arc broken so we Afe have priced pr cd them then to stake make them then go g o in a hurry Youngs 3 Tints Hats the of the season now J B 13 Stetsons 4 hints Hals any shape and color tic now lI W v A big hig line hue of Mens s Straw Hats HaUs to lo be bc sold at a fraction of their original cost O t Shoes at less than the cost of the leather on a good many lines liens Mens lf ns heavy hl a jr leather Slippers now 50 Mens 1200 House Honse Slippers in fancy fan leathers h now 8 Mens lien s Shoes in all kinds of leather broken lines lIens dens 00 Shoes nothing nicer for lOL dress A big line lino of leather Suit Snit Cases Casos at Worth double I nu 0 Mens Furnishing Goods w r S c President Suspenders sold the world over now r 25 Boston Garters sold the world over now 9 s L JUST THINK OF IT Toe Socks 9 Y Tics 15 Collars 3 for 25 SOc Dress Shirts Shirls 29 Shirts 49 Shirts Shirls 69 x I Dress Shirts 85 55 high grade r Dress Shirts the th newest JI and most must stylish designs 29 25 Night Gowns 65 and told Toe Ribbed Underwear 39 I Wool Underwear 95 MENS UNION MADE HEADLIGHT OVERALLS 79 94 f Exclusive Agents for Ogden Thousands of articles art eJes we wo are arc unable enable to mention owing to the tho lack of space spate but come coin and see for yourself Be with us and reap rap I Ithe the III benefit t All Goods Sold for Cash During This Sale l v J l i 1 3 j i I Ie Ranney Refrigerators e l Ire are veal neat and and substantial in int inand t I construction and reasonable in price The Thc Tee Ice Roses Boxes range in iu inI y E price from 10 to 15 The he heI I I Refrigerators range in iu to price pricel i l from 9 to 50 l ij I The Hanney Manufacturing ing ingCo Co is one of the largest st refrigerator h I j producers in ut the United States Slates and each and every eelY re ll refrigerator rel i i i l s is is fully guaranteed j I We Vc mention a few of the dir dif different n I ferent styles st Is IsI i f l The rhe r Lapland 1 very verj high ugh r 11 11 I grade solid oak I r r q I I I The rhe lC r lIot Monitor t J made of hard c wood high grade II i 1 The rho unseat Mascot made of oC ash wood Mood and well weB finished t I The Charter Oak while white enameled The Radium very good gool value and full fully guaranteed Has Ilas Ilasa 1 a t I adjustable shelves cs removable waste pP pipe i e patent drip 1111 I cups and I FT I i patented lid holder Over thirty styles and sizes sies si s to choose tI from trout c J t tt i 1 I 4 t v i vi J 1 t The Most Complete I o of H I In Ogden Large I and varied show showing 1 jug ing of or the fatuous famous Vudor Patterson Hammocks the Palmer I aim cr I 1 Colic b Hammocks I lord and an the Pat Patterson terson Hammock k Couch CouchI I l Prices races commence at tit atI I 1 and all run ruu as 5 high h i h as ns i I I 1800 Yon Y will find kl t I 1 i our line llUC is IS moderate in inI I t b r s prier price and nd high Ii in iu t Beautiful line of or color colorings I ings I I 1 1 Boyle Furniture Co CotI J tI I l r 1 Only Big Show i Coming this Year ear R BOO BRUSo i 4 WORLDS GREATEST G R EA T E S T SNOWS SHOWS I M S Capital p n J 85 5 d Cars Can tJ l rl 1280 People i f it 1 r j t 50 Clowns iA I ti t I 1 STARS r I 61 HORSeS I 11 V l 1 40 co o C lelH A Yx o ohE I THE hE ARTHUR SAXON TRIO STRONGEST OF or All AIL EARTHS STRONG MEN Evory Morning ot of 10 IO o clock nt rl 1 FREE STREEt it PARADE E I ii 3 NIlES r l LONG 0 Ii G GAll l 1 All or nr j TRAIN TRAINED EO 1 T s W I L D Fl f I Il I S ANIMALS E iTS One Ticket Admits to Everything 12 tuna nr P N tilt l J e P M q OGDEN 0 Wed Ann Auge r r i tL I H r ri 9 oo OJ J G J JJ Just Received New Shipment of r J 9 LINEN SUITS AND DRESSES a 12 Off On All Ladies Wool Suits Stilts 13 1 a 3 Off Of fO On All Mens Memis Suits Stilts I a aYOUR YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD The Mercantile e c i e a mess Co 0 t 1 l ST No Connection with any other Store HARRY Mgr i Ii Iii |