Show QUARTZ AND PLACER ARE RUNNING NECK AND NECK Manhattan Nov Nei NC Juno June IS The quartz and placer mines of Manhattan are arc to use uso n popular t term running neck heck and neck with each other as his for tho the camp Every week each has Its is page of good news to re reo record record cord and It would seem that the real activity in the new now Klondike Is only onh beginning Now that lint the ilo bib sion slon power line Una has reached reach tho camp and IS in iii operation It will avill cause re activity all along tho main gulch where shone are arc located tho the rich placer fields fielda and also aso over tho hills In ilL I every eory direction where the lie quartz mines are arc busy bus sending out their riches The arrival of oC the tho power will mean that a dozen more placer properties prop propS orties which have hao bee beo waiting for or the tho juice to lobe be turned on will stait work at once as they the have their electric equipments all in l place and ready realy Friday was vas a lucky day for the gulch for before the lie sun had set over the distant lulls hills It had witnessed the find Ins lu of the nu et vet yet uncovered in Inthe the placer district t Tho The nugget in question weighs 56 pennyweights and measures 3 12 Inches long 2 12 inches wide and an Inch thick The Pie nugget was about gold and of a quartz and is valued at about 45 4 The Tho nug nugget nugget get got was found on the 1 lease near the scene of o the tho original placer discovery In the tho camp together a smaller one worth about al olit G 6 tho the latter laller having In some manner passed from the tb sluices to the tailing dump where liere herot It i L was picked up lIp U Friday Frida Was wa a a good day driy all around tot for the lucky luck leasers and J their cleanup In n the evening gave them thel 1 S 8 ounces and 9 1 pennyweights of ot amalgam and 1 ounces of nuggets In addition to lo the Ole two nuggets before mentioned A big thing for the placers will bo be bothe bot the t 10 Installation of a pneumatic dredger in the gulch which will have a capa capacity capacity city ot of from GOO to 1000 yards of or gravel every hours The machine will be installed by the he Pneumatic matic matie Dredger company of Sacra Sacramento monto mento and the owners state that with wilh within in from twenty minutes to half an our lOur from the time hue the power Is turned on the machine will have reached bedrock bed bedlock rock lock a 11 distance of about 00 GO feet The dredger will arrive In the camp this week cek nut will be installed on the dry wash sash Vilson Wilson lease on tho the September claim where It will viii be given ghon a thor thoro thorough ough test The device works some somewhat somewhat somewhat what on the principle of a 1 suction car carpet pet hot cleaner cleanor It consists of a twelve twee Inch casing shaped like a il stove stoe pipe Inside of It Is 15 a small pipe earning carrying air to lo the end ond in the ground the air hay hav having ing lag a pressure of t to tho the square Inch The Th air forces every er thing that Is loose and not to largo large to come up through the casing ca ing into Inlo tho the sluice boxes About Aboul two miners Inches of water waler ar required to loosen the material It Its Is practically a plan of excavating and hoisting dirt by air nir pressure Jt lt cleans the bedrock bed rock per better belter than could be he dono done with witha a broom taking every even particle out of the crevices The boulders which aro are not wanted it leaves leaveR but It takes all the loose from them leaving them perfectly clean It will sink sixty feet In one hour and many man places In twenty minutes handling BOO tons of or orI I dirt a lay day da daI I |