Show HOME CULTURE CLUB Time The Homo Culture club met for Ha Its It ItI I annual meeting at nt tho the homo home of o Mrs AlIs AlIsI T Ii I W Ir T Horn street and Taylor falur avenue Mr Horn furnishing conveyances conc auces from the thc car line lino There Thero Is a sentiment among the II H C C G monitions members that meeting with Mrs Horn Is always an art occasion for fOl ape special cial remembrance anti and this was yas no rio exception i At Al the business session two form i I or members Mrs Maule Maunie aule and amid Mrs oIls I Gibson reinstated as active mem members m m mi i hers bers Miss Craven was also aio nl o elected to 10 membership The following fol lowing offices I wore then timen elected for tho ensuing year yeam V Mrs Goo Coo E H Maule president I Mrs Irs Clayton Coolidge vice president dent Mrs T 1 D Johnson secretary and treasurer Tho club work for time the th next year V Is to he be The Tho Bay View Course on Spain Holland Norway and null Sweden rime Tho club desiring to know more of tho the Forestry Departments work de tie decided to Lo give she one meeting in the early carl fall to this study A commit committee tee consisting of Mrs Kief Klef Mrs Irs Johnson Mrs McCracken anti and Mrs Maule Mammie ill was wag appointed to arrange for forIt forIt It IL A vote voto of appreciation was cx ex extended tended the tho retiring president Mrs 1 J JR IV 13 R McCracken for her efficient anti and faithful service Mrs Ills Maricle the club climb historian gave gae the time club climb history In the form of an original poem which was much appreciated Mrs Irs Johnson by luy request read reach an arm original poem written on out tho the occasion of a meeting at hor Imer home In midwinter Miss liss Ruth Johnson on as pianist and a 1111 Miss lIss Ida Iela Anderson as violinist de tle delightfully entertained while Mrs Horn Flora assisted by y her laughter daughter Mat Mattie Mattie tie tic served her hor dainty refreshments The rhe ladles ladies lingered long ong indulging in inmany Inman inmany many man club climb reminiscences Including the history of the time club climb gavel by b Mrs irs Markle and a resume of the time talk alit she gave gao the time club climb at nt Its presentation Towards time the close chose of the afternoon It II became that It was Mrs Horns birthday and so with con comi congratulations best wishes and anti expressions expressions of thanks for a delightful d af afternoon afternoon afternoon the time club chub departed for a jolly ride to the car line and home homec Those present wore were Manic Maule Markle Johnson V Craig Burt Durt Gibson Kid Kief Knapp Putnam Kohl Coolidge Misses Dros Drosse aol sel se Ruth Johnson Ida Anderson Mat olal Mattie Mattie tie lie Horn |