Show RASPED ROLLS ARE UNCOMMON U Dainty That Will Be Appreciated at atthe atthe the Morning Meal Put one cup of boiling water into a I mixing bowl in which Is placed one half tablespoon of butter or lard one I half tablespoon of sugar teaspoon salt Whoa When lukewarm add addone addone addone one yeast east cake enko dissolved In cup lukewarm water wilter Add three o cups of oC sifted flour Hour mix well Tell and toss on a awell awell awell well floured bread breud board and knead until smooth and elastic Use as flour as possible while kneading Cover and set to rise in a warm place When rhen double in bulk bulle cut down without removing mixture from bowl let rise again When Whon light shape shapo as asbath asbuth asbath bath buth buns place on a buttered sheet two Inches apart they thor must not touch each other cover with a tea towel set to rise When light bake bako ba o 25 2 min minutes minutes utes mites in Ina a bread oven until the en entire entire tire lire surface of or each roll roU Is a uniform brwn brown color Then grate off a thin layer from tho time outside crust with a grating machine or a coarse horseradish grater will I answer for this purpose Great caro care must be taken lakon In this process that tho the thoI outer thin brown crust may be ro ra I moved evenly eon |