Show An Building Reinforced concrete Jo io the tho material which will be used almost exclusively in tho construction of etho tho now new gov gow government government buildings to bo be erected by br tho the United States at San Juan Porto Poto Rico RIc for use as a courthouse and custom house Wood is to lo be bo practically excluded from the tho structure the tho only place about the tho building where wood will be bo employed will bo be boIn bein In tho the window sashes Bashes on one ono side of ot tho the edifice The interior doors will bo be rattan The reason why wh wood Is being avoided by the tho government In this case Is 18 because there IB is a small ant Indigenous to tho the Island of Porto Rico which eats Its way up through wooden chairs doors and desks and makes thorn thom spongy on tho the Inside Cement Age Ago |