Show UP SERGEANT TOUT AND OFFICER HERRICKS CLEVER CATCH jack shaeffer is robbed of on train coming from salt lake from thursdays standard A clever capture was effected by sergeant tout and officer al herrick after the arrival of the midnight train from salt lake this morning when the train pulled into the depot jack shaeffer the proprietor of a salt lake restaurant sought officer herrick who was on the station platform and informed aim that he had been robbed of and that he could identity the thief officer horrick boarded the train and in one ot the sleepers a man named C L rand was singled out by shaeer as the one who had turned the trick I 1 seems that rand and shaeffer were acquainted and when h former was told that he was under arrest he threw his hands into the air and disclaimed all knowledge of the theft shaeffer was positive that be was the man that robbed him but stated that it the money was returned to him that he would not lay over and prosecute him the accused man still maintained that ho was not the guilty party when policeman entered into the conversation and stated that he had received instructions from the salt lake police to look out for him and that he was traveling with a woman dressed in black this deemed to cause the fellow to wilt and he immediately asked permission io talk privately with ichao affer this was refused after some further talk rand dellver sd to schaeffer the amount of money he alleged was taken from him at this juncture of the proceedings the conductor of the train appeared and learning that tha fellows name was rand he lifted the ano tickets that the fellow and the woman were traveling on for the reason that he was traveling under an assumed name the tickets bore the nama of hunter and had evidently been purchased at a ticket sc alpers office during the mix up that followed this action on the part of the conductor rand disappeared sam fowler of the depot police and officer herrick were asked by the conductor to eject the man and woman from the train A search was at once instituted rand was found in car and the woman with whom he was traveling and who it ja claimed is his alte was found fully dressed in one ot the berths three carabin the rear of the one from which they were originally taken the couple were ejected from the train and later hired a cab the driver of which they ordered to taka them to the broom hotel sergeant tout had arrived on th in the meantime and when the entered the cab he chartered another which was ordered to follow the one occupied by rand and his wife the first carriage wag driven to the broom then to the creeed where the driver dismounted from his box and opened the door of the cab for the couple to alight this they did not do and be re mounted after getting some further instructions and drove the vehicle up on abo bench sergeant Serge ani tout followed in the other cab the couple were driven around several streets and when they were driving along twenty seventh street the sergeant left bis cab and up to the side door ot the other in which rand was riding he opened tho door and leaped inside at the same time ordering the cabman to drive to the police station when the couple were landed at the station chief browning was consulted by telephone on the matter and or dered man held rand was booked after which he was permitted to put up 30 ball for his appearance in the municipal court this morning both schaeffer and rand were n route to portland this Is the first capture of the many gratteri grat that hava worked the trains successfully between salt lake and here tor a long time schaeffer continued contin urd through to portland on the short rand and bis wits spent the in osden |