Show mrs annie harpole hoyt street portland ore state secretary daughters ol 01 liberty writes t for over eight years I 1 suffered with intends la the abdomen and pelvic organs through a neglected cold I 1 contracted a severe ca which went through my system and finally settled in the bladder causing great pain my husband spent hundreds of dollars on doctors and medicines without obtaining relief for me I 1 finally decides that I 1 would try as a friend recommended H so highly 1 am pleased to say that relief came to me shortly after I 1 began taking it and at the end of three months I 1 was la perfect health I 1 also took peruna he fora and after my baby came and tt quickly restored my health and strength MRS HARPOLE thera are so many women especially married women who drag themselves wearily around from year to year without any particular disease and yet miserable beyond description they ache and tremble and throb growing more nervous tired and debilitated every day peruna does not claim to anre every under the sun but over forty years trial has gained lor it rE nuNA by doctors manhal affections extant scientists and physicians have recorded their recognition tion of it apart from all other medicines ii seems strange that as well known and well established as these facts are that anyone should neglect to by ahem a burden until miss harris tried peruna pe ru na miss annetto harris 88 catalpa place chicago cago member west bido ladies club writes now that I 1 have regained ray health and strength I 1 am only too glad to tell what cured me 1 I was a for yeara and although I 1 tried many doctors and medicines nothing deemed to hit my caso until I 1 took Peruna and this wag only after life had become a burden to me and I 1 was unable to stand on my feet for any length of time after taking one bottle I 1 felt much improved I 1 kept on taking it I 1 had taken nine bottles and then considered cured address dr S B hartman president ot the hanman sanitarium columbus i 0 all correspond enco held confidential |