Show OGDEN FIRM contributes IN MOST LIBERAL MANNER trip is now an assured pleasure and there Is much re from tuesdays standard there was an uncertainty as to whether the ogden tabernacle choir could go to Portland but that was before the people of the city were sufficiently aroused to appreciate the importance of the move and bonore the dollars began to roll in as they did yesterday the most auspicious event was the contribution of by W H wright sons company that was tendered by angus wright and accepted with an appreciation that gave to the joy of at lat triumphing over obstacles and of being assured the success of a great ambition the gift was a princely one when the news reached the headquarters of those who have labored so assiduously to make the trip possible one of those present who Is not at all inclined to be effervescent cent the standard a note that indicated a spontaneous ebullition as follows hurrah hurrah hurrah who says ogden does not respond A royal and imperial gift of wright sons co of tor the ogden tabernacle choir in one lump ogden is aroused the honor or ogden is vindicated dica ted her merchant princes respond as they always do when matters are properly represented tho appropriated by the legislature for the lewis and dark fair was a grand and munificent sum and will achieve results but the choir at ogden will prove equal in results to orpheus with hla beautiful songs charmed hades our own ogden choir charm the angels the irrigators and the rose club of portland such Is the power of song it rendered by the ogden tabernacle Taber nacie cnorr now let us pull together all together and done L W lK received a telegram from david eccles at pasadena cal to the effect that he would subscribe the sum of A telephone message from representative senta tive howell at logan announced the subscription of 25 from that gentleman |