Show BOYS TOOK watermelons WATER MELONS when the owner fired a shot they collapsed the watermelon season has seriously blunted the conscience of a number of boys and aa a result three lads are languishing in abo county jail awaiting trial before judge patton this afternoon on the charge ot petit larceny the three boys sam drysdale clarence lowe and fred scholes visited the melon patch of S walker near the wasatch canning factory wednes day night about fl but before they could do much damage they wera apprehended and turned over to tha officers during the evening mr walker beard some one in the melon patch and taking his gun went out to in he lay in the field for some time listening to the conversation of the boya and when they started to leave followed them to tha road where he called upon them to stop at the game time firing a shot in the air at tha sound of the shot the boys fell to the ground and were so thoroughly scared they scarcely arise they told mr wallter that they vere from salt lake and that they had been to the coast but when the officers appeared they were at once identified aa ogdan boys |