Show entire flow of the river entering the sink san cal aug 16 the entire flow of the colorado river Is now passing into the salton sink and the water there Is rising as inch every 24 hours below imperial the big canal intake Is practically dry such was the serious piece of anfor brought to san late last night by J M cardiff a resi dent of this city and a land holder in the imperial district cardiff has lust been over the imperial and salton country and brings news of the situation direct tho southern pacific railroad officials having charge of the work of the inroads ot salton sea upon the companas comp anys tracks will at once it is reliably stated tear up the recently constructed shoofly shoo fly track of fifteen or more miles this will necessitate a detour beginning at Mortem cre and extending to volcano springs where the main line will again be reached TEAMSTERS INDORSE GOULD former vice not guilty of fraud philadelphia aug 15 the international brotherhood of teamsters clofed its convention today A number of delegates left yesterday and the faction that has supported president shea represented sit least two thirds majority of choso present today former alce president gould was on the rack for more than an hour his integrity had been brought into question by the committee of officers reports the committee stated that it had no accounting of SOO of the expended by gould gould in a speech defended himself and declared that he never presented a bill that was not legitimate he vas supported hy president shea and delegate turley former secretary treasurer the latter having audited goulds accounts the convention adopted of confidence in alce president gould and refused to concur in the committees findings WILL OF CHAPELLE new orleans la aug 15 the will of archbishop chapello was probated today the bequests were as follows all of the property real and personal I 1 may possess at th time of my death situated in the detate of na I 1 will and bequeath to the rt rev edward fitzgerald of little rock ark rt ROY edward P alien bishop of mobile and to very rev J M laval my vicar general my property real and personal situated in the territory of new mexico I 1 will and bequeath to the very rev anthony administrator of tho arch of santa fe during the vacancy of that see all my real and personal property situated in the department of lozere france L will and to apy niece josephine solignac |