Show HE WAS AN S companion Compan fon of a day robs his bene ac factor After feeding a man paying his fare froma salt I ake to ogdan and paying for a room at a hotel for the for him D E delerson Pe lerson a mallard county youth awoke yesterday morning to find that his erstwhile friend hadde camped during the night with his watch and the greater part of his money who is a young man 22 years of age is ambitious to obtain as education and with that end in view had left his home for nevada where behas a job in prospect that at the bame time would permit him to pursue his studies monday he stopped off in salt lake and went out to murray to call on a friend on the way back to the city he met a man who sari that hla name was lou andersen peterson made a confident of his newfound friend and told him of his proposed trip to nevada that was just the place that was solas bi ha was broke and had to go to ogden first and get some money from a sister the prospect of having a traveling companion was pleasing to peterson and he paid his new friends tare to this city and for a room at the windsor tor the night yesterday morning when he awoke peterson found that bad departed alse eis is watch and ag of his money feterson lost no time in reporting the affair to tha police and furnished ahem with a good description of tha raan who had abused his generosity he told the officer that he felt sorry for the man when he learned that he was broke and that he did not suspect hat anyone whom he would befriend as he befriended anderson would steal fram him the police gave him some good advice regarding making friends with brangers grangers Gr angers and are assisting the young man in his endeavor to find anderson |