Show BARBER SHOPS two ogdan places of business must change conditions or quit the following nineteen candidates for tonsorial conors successful in passing the examinations in salt lake tuesday duram craig R W quinci J H letcher J JH austin F W krause R V Bolter Frank daugherty H J amundsen fred herman jacob carter mias may sill john A taylor J T mo quire A watson leon harry woodward augustus little robert P simon there were five other candidates but they failed to qualify the reasons assigned being gross incompetency pe tency physical menace to public health or lack of sanitary knowledge tho slate board orders two ogden shops to change conditions or close up as they are being conducted by apprentices contrary to law A complaint of being unsanitary was made against tho moler college in salt lake and it will be investigated one woman was among the successful candidates di miss may sill of los angeles who passed a fine examination and won compliments from the examiners but ahr will return to california as the shop bosses in salt lake do not seem to want women barbers around it might be necessary it this obtained for more than one proprietor to hang up such a sign as this patrons will please abstain from the use of profane and indecent language while in this shop the officers of the state board of examiners of barbers are J D har ala ogden president dr C M benedict treasurer perley A jwill secretary |