Show open draw allows engine and cars to drop KILLED AND INJURED Norfolk Va aug 17 twelve the atlantic coast line wreck this ate atlantic coast line wreck this afternoon the injured are now being brought to norfolk and portsmouth hospital yearly all the killed and injured are colored passengers MANY THOUGHT TO BE DROWNED norfolk va aug 17 A report just received here says that an excursion train over the atlantic coast line from kanston Kl N C bound for norfolk shot through an open draw near braces Station seven milea from portsmouth aa and nine miles from norfolk the train was bringing some passengers from inston and intermediate ter mediate norfolk for a stay 0 today and tomorrow the first report of the that a draw over the western the elizabeth river was open for a tug to pass through and the excursion train engine with one coach went overboard into twenty five feet of water every physician in the city of portsmouth has been summoned to the scene many people are reported killed and injured but authentic details are yet missing A relief train bearing physicians has felt portsmouth tor the scene the wrecked train was doe to arrive at norfolk at 1 this afternoon following this train was an excursion train over the same road bringing excursionists from rockmount Rock mount N C preceding the wrecked train there was still another excursion train to arrive here over the atlantic coast line this being composed of some merchants and others from augusta ga charleston S C and jacksonville fla bound to baltimore philadelphia and now york tor the purchase of fall goods this first train arrived at this morning without accident and the merchants will all leave for the north tonight by water it Is known that the engine and three coaches of the atlantic coast line kinston excursion tram went through the western branch draw over the elizabeth river this afternoon bupt supt woolen of the atlantic coast line with two tugs and all the norfolk physicians and nurses available have left here for the scene of tho wreck just how many people aro killed and injured ie not yet known but the list it Is believed will be large the scene of the wreck is some distance through the country and tha means of communication is not good many persons are believed to have been drowned in the cars which went overboard and others are believed to bo badly wounded what remained of the kinston excursion train and the rockmount Rock mount train behind are being made up to be brought to norfolk over the norfolk western railroad those trains will arrive here after 3 it Is now thought that more than people were on the train when it went down i YELLOW FEVER SCARE new york aug 17 A yellow fever mccare was caused yesterday in first avenue brooklyn when a doctor summoned to a tenement found john G murphy a laborer violently in a lucid moment he said he came from panama a few weeks ago at the norwegian hospital the physicians agreed that murphy had a mild case of yellow fever the health department was notified and its agent reported that he found certain symptoms of typhoid malaria and had suspicions that his fellow physicians were right in their opinion that murphy has yellow fever he ordered murphy placed in an isolated ward an effort will be mado to find out what steamer brought the man here STRIKE OF structural WORKERS now york aug 17 in accordance with the orders of the general executive baird of the international association of structural iron workers for a national strike against the american bridge company strikes were called yesterday on he companas comp anys contracts in this city V secretary green of the local umon declared that the will continue to spread all oyer the country until an agreement is reached |