Show bembers of national reciprocity conference urge action to avoid destruction of americans foreign trade chicago august 16 the national reciprocity conference began session at the illinois theater six hundred delegates from all parts of the country having assembled to discuss reciprocal trade relations with other countries amendment of too tariff law alterations of tha interstate commerce laws and the kindred matters the west sent a large delegation the great stock rais ing and farming industries being especially ally well represented manufacturers from the eastern states also were strongly represented A notable feature of the conference was the attendant ot foreign consuls resident in chicago representing nearly every country in the world tho conference was called to order at 1015 this morning by A D sanders of chicago he said the establishment of fairer trade relations with foreign nations Is a matter that affects directly the prosperity of every farmer stock grower and exporter in the united states one by one the european governments arc tightening the coils intended to straighten tho american export trado in agricultural products and manufactured goods we are today face to face with a new and prohibitive german tariff designed to keep out every pound of american breadstuffs bread stuffs and provisions retaliation has been tried at tremendous cost to our producers and manufacturers and is a failure long roll of delegates attending this convention it beems to me supplies proof at once convincing and completa complets com that there Is a real demand from tho business interests of this country for congressional attention to the needs of our foreign commerce the committee of arrangements have endeavored to make this confer enc absolutely nonpartisan non partisan moreover we have no pet plan of bringing about the desired issues we distinctly disclaim any attack upon the protective tariff principles or upon any particular interest we believe that our great basic industry agriculture the backbone of all our prosperity cannot safely be neglected further and that its welfare at this juncture can ta assured by suitable congressional action without detriment to any other legitimate american industry it is idle to say that nothing can be done where there ts a will there Is a way mr sanders nominated as temporary chairman of the convention john E wilder president of the illinois man association the nomination was unanimously accepted upon taking the chair mr wilder said individualism must give way to association interests we shall gain nothing as the result of these deliberations and discussions unless desires of separate associations to sea their particular needs brought forward and advocated givs way to a full and unselfish discussion of the needs of tha whole country with this element safeguarded this conference will become a means of education to tha entire country and from it must spring the inspiration to our legislative bodies which shall make it possible for them to claim wise just and satisfactory laws governing our reciprocal relations with other nations william R colln of new york was chosen secretary pro tern 0 the con vent lon and sir frederick larabee of iowa assistant secretary pro tern governor charles E dencen ot illi was introduced by chairman wilder at the conclusion of the ap blauss which greeted the introduction governor deneen said it has not escaped the notice of the american people that several of the nations of europe are raising discriminating and prohibitive tariffs against the products ot our fields and factories they call us the american peril and seek to quarantine against what are we t do about it shall we resort to the law ot tbt talon or meet proffered concessions with con sessions cessions ces such are the questions which we aro to consider it is not top much to say that the nation hopes that out ot this conference will come suggestions and recommendations which will meet with the approval of our president and congress and lead to the ot laws and the negotiation and ratification ot treaties which will not alone enable us to retain the foreign commerce re already have but to enlarge it following address chairman wilder introduced mayor edward F dunne who welcomed tha delegates in behalf of the city WOMAN DIED A new york august 16 sirs selie wife of a plumber living in this city died a prisoner on ellis island monday night the doctors say heart disease was the cause but her husband and friends arc making a stormy protest over her detention by the officials and declare MISS ROOSEVEL TS PLANS san francisco calif aug 16 advises advices by the liner mongolia and corroborated by the pacific mall steamship company state that miss alice roosevelt will not return here with secretary of war tatt and party scheduled to return on the korea about october ast 1st miss roosevelt it is bald has been invited to visit the family of minister W W rock hlll at peking and will leave the taft party upon her return to japan from manila accompanied by her companions miss mcall lan and miss boardman she will proceed to peking later returning to japan or shanghai where she will abard the steamer mongolia arriving here on november ard 3rd that woman died franr a broken heart came to this country from russia tour years ago he left his wife and their three children with his father Engaging business on tha east side he gradually accumulated money enough to bring them over and also took out citizenship papers recently airs arrived at ellis island july 2 her youngest child had contracted measles during the voyage and was immediately to a hospital ashore the other children also were allowed to land but the mother was held on a report of the examiners that she had heart the husband went to ellis island dally and tried to comfort arg Wem stocK meanwhile lawyers were busy and made strong efforts to secure permission tor her to land the matter was finally placid before the bureau in washington but no action had been taken when the woman suddenly gave way under the strain and died before her husband could reach the detention pen |