Show SALT LAKE department OF from our special correspondent i ti UTAH COPPER MINES are attracting the attention of the outside world ining hoebart one of the judges of the reservation drawing Is sojourning sojo in salt lake until the time set tor the drawing to take place and he express himself as very much interested in the copper mines in the bingham region where a number 0 colorado people are interested in the red metal properties sir hoebart Is president of the cripple creek short line railroad which has a ahne from colorado springs to cripple creek and ha is also interested very extensively in the mines ot Colorado and has amassed a considerable bortuna tortuna from the diggings ot the cripple creek district mr hoebart says that the rapid strides that have been made in the development of the utah copper mine at bingham hag attracted a great deal of attention in his state where some of the principal officers and shareholders of the company reside with the copper deposits in this state he seems to be very favorably impressed and he says that the day Is not tar distant when utah will rank at the top of the list of the largest copper producers of the world PATHETIC SCENE boy testifies against his aged fath er A pathetic scene occurred in police court this when thomas taylor jr a youad man testified against his father a man bent and gray under the weight of over sixty years the young man testified that his father had beba a habitual drinker for a number of years but fact refrained from the use of intoxicants for some time until rece he had begun to imbibe too freely the other night the old gentleman came home under the influence of liquor and proceeded to make a rough house of his home and the young man says that the old gentleman threatened to take his life the police were called in and taylor sr was taken to the city jail and locked up after the hearing this morning the old man was sentenced cd to serve ten days behind the bars and as the old bent form was hustled 03 into the lockup the young man went down the court house steps as bligh fly and gay as if he had been on an every day errand tor his mother to some of the neighbors FOOTBALL TALK west side high school team arranging dates much local interest Is being manifested in the coming football season and already the crackerjack west side high school football team are filling dates for every moment ot the time that they will have to indulge in this sort of sport they are in communication with several teams outside and have their principal prof george A eaton trying to fix a go alth the portland high school team while the professor Is visiting the exposition all of last season the loys had an ex good team and though they took on every team in the state only once did they go down to defeat and that was at the opening of the season when they were trounced by the agricultural college aggregation from logan twice they defeated the ogden crack tram and during the coming winter there will in all likelihood be some very interesting games waged between these two teams HARRIS DEATH naw nsw york august 15 harris lindsley who met death in an automobile accident at bennington vt yesterday was appointed third deputy police commissioner by commissioner mcadoo on april to succeed john P cowan resigned his principal duties aers to try delinquent policemen and to have charge of the purchase of supplies for the department mr lindsley was 35 years old he came of old new england stock on his fathers side and his mother is a member of tha well known harris family of his grandfather was T george harris a pay director of the untied states navy young lindsley spent his boyhood in nashville and prepared tor college n the princston preparatory school I 1 he entered princeton university in 1893 and at the end of two years entered columbia law school after graduation he entered the employ of a law firm during the spanish amer ican ar be was commissioned a second lieutenant in the sixth united states volunteers and served as judge advocate of a general coun martial at the close of the war mr lindsley came to new york and entered a law office from which he was taken by commissioner mcadoo mr lindsley was within a few days elected captain J of company A regiment N G N Y mr record in the police department was a good one his engagement ga gement to atsa evelyn P willing of chicago was announced on july 1 FOUR CENT FARE street car commutation tickets will be on sale at the rate of fifty or 2 or tour cents fsr ticket at the ot the utah light railway company today these tickets will be honored on all lines of the company including the line to murray and other lines that extend beyond the city limits the new franchise granted by the city council of course covers only the lines within the city limits but the company has decided to make the rate applicable to all lines the four cent tare provision was incorporated corp orated in tho franchise as binding during the life of that ordinance and Is one of the fruits ot victory won bv mayor H P morris city attorney C dey and councilman E A har tena tein with the support of the herald SALT LAKE NOTES Ms alice body will be bade to the old home at neward 0 tor interment tomorrow morning by her mother and father she la the lady that died as a result of a criminal operation which it li al ass performed by dr E C payne who is now languishing in jail awaiting trial or the of tense the body will bo interred in the lot beside that of her brother who was drowned in the river at that place ten years ago for placing hia hand over the mouth of anna white a commercial street denizen to keep her from screaming while he and some friends searched for some money that they bad been robbed of joseph mcgirr was fined as in the police court this morning or j given the or serving twenty five day in the city jail SALT LAKE HEWS THE STOCK EXCHANGE A very quiet and uninteresting session of the mining stock exchange was held this morning and the total number of shares selling was shares for which was paid may day was the first trader to participate la the proceedings and with the disposition of 2000 shares the price was reduced to 17 14 1 4 cents while uncle sam consolidated was set babik to 37 cents with the sale of shares and victoria accommodated a purchaser for only 12 shares at with new york peddling around 1500 shares down to 40 14 1 4 cents on the open board besides the regular traders butler liberal came into the market with SOO shares at an even 12 cents columbus consolidate filled an order for shares at and lower mammoth was reduced to 28 l ac with victor consolidated placing orders tor 1000 shares at 3 34 3 4 cents |