Show swindlers lers raided and caught by police new york aug 16 having been informed that a band 0 swindlers lers pos ing as wire tappers had netted a large sum by the familiar confidence method of pretending to hold back race re suits going by wire to pool rooms tha police have raided a brownstone front bouse handsomely furnished in west street nine men alleged to be members of the gang wera arrested eight of the prisoners already had their pictures in the rogues gallery police reserves were called out to help in the charge on the building officers climbed up tha front and entered by the parlor window eleven men were within and they made a wild dash to escape two succeeded but the others were held up at the back fence and submitted without a struggle on the wall of one room was found a telephone which appeared to have been in use tor some months A telegraph instrument in the corner waa merely a blind while the walls were covered with racing charts all of the prisoners were stylishly dressed and the majority of them were elderly gray haired men who looked like prosperous brokers they chaffee chaffed the police and declared they would be set free in short order but were locked up tor the night many complaints have been made by persons swindled through the alre game one man having lost a few months ago SEVENTH SATELLITE OF JUPITER boston aug 16 harvard observatory officials received a telegram late laist night from the lick observatory in california that a seventh satellite of jupiter has been observed RUSSIANS REPULSED tokio august 16 an official report says early on august 14 in tha direction of Chang tu a russian force consisting ol 01 a battalion of infantry two sections of cavalry eight field guns and six machine guns attacked our position at eight miles north ot Chang tu tout was immediately repulsed our casualties amounted to one and the russians lost 35 simultaneously three companies of infantry and two squadrons of cavalry attacked us eight northwest of Chang tu this attack was repulsed and at the russians retreated northward leaving ten dead the russians also made a small attack on which was repulsed |