Show OGDEN AND SALT LAKE the state board of health is issuing bulletins showing the death rate in each county of utah the rate is figured on an estimated population for 1905 the board credits salt lake county with and weber county with these evidently unfair figures caused tho mayor of ogden to send an objection to the states board of health claiming ogden to have over population and weber county over this complaint is met with the statement appearing in a laka paper that ogden in 1903 badan officially estimated population of only who officially estimated in 1900 this city had over and since then has increased at least the only way by which to compare the population of the two cities ogden and salt lake Is to take the school census of this year as a basis salt lake has school children og den has it ogden has only 20 population then salt lake has not more than it salt lake has then ogden has salt lakers can take their choice |