Show RESIDENTS OF OGDEN WHO HELD LUCKY NUMBERS JR daniel burch employed by john smith Is offered for hia from thursdays standard all those who registered from this city for the reservation exhibited great interest in the drawings which were commenced at prove to iday wilde the first prize went to provo ogden was well up on the list the first number on the list to go to an ogden man was no 19 which was drawn by daniel burch when the news spread about the streets of the good fortune of that gentleman he was the recipient of many congratulations when seen by a re portor sir burch stated that he was too much excited at that time over his good fortune to express himself bat that he intended to go down to the reservation and select his section of land at once 1 I have been ott ered said bo 9 by ogden people for my choice but I 1 have refused tha offer which was a bona fido one I 1 will go down and look tha land over immediately others among the lucky ones all expressed surprise as well as pleasure upon learning that their names were among the first lot drawn barlow B wilson deputy sheriff was no 78 in the list when informed by telephone from the office of this paper of this fact he replied in a doubting way you will have to show me when informed that it was no joke the deputy said well 1 I cant say just yet what my plans will be but I 1 am glad that I 1 drew something worth while W R emmott blacksmith 2247 washington avenue was highly elated over his good luck and wasted no time in leaving tor the reservation he took the early afternoon train for the south today edward hansen one of the lucky winners is employed at the railroad shops charles S warner is employed in the store house of the southern pa clfo lie will mako hla home down on the farm L H murdock was sleeping when the lottery was adding to his wealth he will awaken at 4 this afternoon to first learn of his new found wealth the others from here who intend all ing on the land will leave at ono in order to get their choice within the time prescribed ibe who drew prizes are no 19 daniel burch no 65 edward hanaan pacific no 69 robt W emmett blacksmith no 78 barlow B allson deputy sheriff no 90 win H parry 2243 adams no chaa A warner no percy C plyer with last thomas no wm thompson allson lane no jas A doraey no 29 2 9 levi H murdock 2455 grant proprietor white elephant cafe no miss rube bassett no geo W gibson lone star barber chop no howard with Z C M I 1 no john G conley |