Show members are said to have favored a magazine i washington aug 15 in response to published charges that officials of the united states geological survey have used information belonging to the government for the benefit of tho mining world a magazine in chich certain members were said to hold stock director charles D Walcot fc today telegraphed to acting director II 11 C alzer for an explanation from drummond mont where he is in camp the explanation follows mail and newspaper clippings were received by mo in camp august 11 the geological survey or its members has not and does not own or control the mining world no information has been sold or given in advance of general publication to any journal or individual to my knowledge the request to nominate competent for the mining world mado to dr day for the purpose of malting a first class mining journal was approved by the director subject to the survey regulation that the mining world eras to be treated exactly as all journals in all matters pertaining to the survey A fraction of tho of the mining world was subscribed tor as a purely private matter by some members of the survey popular articles based on technical papers first published by the survey have the approval ot the director whether written by members of the survey or others all information and illustrations are as free to the outsider as to the survey members the director has the most cordial relations with the editor of the mining and engineering journal and invites criticism from this and oiher sources as constructive criticism improves the service it any one has evidence of wrong doing or in action on the part of any members of the survey the director asks that it be sent to the president the secretary of the interior the chairman of the committee appointed by the president to investigate the business methods of the government or to the director signed CHAS D WALCOTT MORE uintah LAND THROWN OPEN FOR settlement why the president releases acres that had been reserved as part of acre tract washington aug 15 the president has modified his proclamation of the ard 3rd instant withdrawing from entry certain lands in the ulalah indian reservation er and has restored about 85 acres following is the interior departments statement of the action the act of march 3 1905 provides that before the opening of the uintah indian reservation the president may set apart and reserve any reservoir site or other lands necessary to conserve and protect the water supply tor the indians or tor general i agricultural development accordingly the united states geological survey after due investigation made a report to the secretary of the interior recommending that certain described lands covering over acres including a large quantity of agricultural lands be reserved under eald provisions of law upon this recommendation tho acting secretary of the interior requested the president to issue his proclamation of august 3 1905 subsequently ly complaints having reached tho department that the said agricultural lands properly would not be included in said reservation mr ryan the acting secretary tools the subject up or further consideration and directed tho united states geological survey to make a supplemental report stating whether the reservation of these agricultural lands Is necessary for the and protection ot a water supply this supplemental report has been mado and shows that the reservation of these lands Is not necessary for that purpose but that they were included in the surveys of the original report on the assumption that the act authorized their reservation for agricultural development which was specifically stated in it tho acting secretary decided that their reservation was authorized zed only it necessary to conserve and protect the water supply and requested the president to release them from reservation which was done today by supplemental proclamation i CAUSE OF BOYCOTT discourteous treatment of sons of influential fluent ial chinese san francisco aug 15 J W davidson acting consul general at shanghai who arrived from the orient today says that the cause of the chinese boycott Is the discourteous treatment which the sons of influential chinese officials have received at the hands of immigration officials on landing at san francisco mr davedson Dav ldson thought that the facts that orders had already been placed for six months ahead for delivery of american goods would prevent tho boycott being successful but he admitted that a anti foreign feel ing might be aroused which would carry tho fight beyond control and result in serious consequences the purpose of the boycott he said has never been to secure the admission ot coolies but to gain a proper treatment ot the exempt classes SELECTION bay N Y aug 15 nothing is hero concerning the reported selection ot william C sanger of now york as the successor to francis B loomie as assistant secretary ot state secretory root and ctol sanger are now on a fishing trip in lahra dor st petersburg aug itic rioting Is reported nt russian poland the authorities thero arc inactive |