Show 1 I 0 levantina Lev lawyer Is much persecuted or clever Roni ancer victoria B C august 15 george D collins the levantina lev san francisco lawyer being tried for extradition for perjury bufore judge lampman while on taa witness stand today in his own behalf spoke for about two hours detailing a conspiracy which he claims was launched at san francisco to railroad him to jail and from which he fled to victoria he said the conspiracy was launched by the ill berglan bank and aided by judges lawler kerrigan and graham the grand jury empanelled empanel led at san francisco by judge lawler the bar association and the san francisco chronicle call examiner and bulletin newspapers he had their enmity because of his aggressiveness on the part of his clients having offended judges and lawyers by securing the release of clients on various grounds after juries had convicted them and judges were antagonistic to him because he reversed some of their decisions among others that of judge morrow convicting williams a custom inspector of importing chinese women because of which judge morrow stated he fixed up the records he detailed many cases he had in san francisco where he secured the release of accused after a conviction on ties notably the case of turner accused of swindling who was afterward shot and killed in front of collins office and hansted and others accused of being in league with the then public administrator to loot the john sullivan estate by producing a false heir because of his having secured the release of these persons he had been attacked by the press bar and pulpit of san francisco and incurred the enmity of judges they were also antagonistic to him because he waa instrumental in preventing the police by legal means from raiding houses of prostitution aad gambling houses and because he secured the removal of police commissioner hutton with mayor assistance because he was alleged by these arrayed against him to be a layer ot the schmidt administration the hibernian bank started the prosecution against him because while representing a client against the robinson estate upon which the bank bad a mortgage he found the mortgage had been lost he was threatened with disbarment proceedings ce by the faank unless he de aisted from the acolon whan his wife agnes newman died she had an account in the hibernian bank which she assigned to hlen and he made affidavit at the bank in withdrawing ahe money later after his cifes death wm newman her brother offered his services to the hibernian bank because witness would not give him part of the money and stated falsely witness had married his sister charlotta instead of agnes the charge of bigamy was instituted at the instance of the hibernian bank people those m tere eted in publishing the san francisco chronicle judges lawler korrigan and to some extent judge graham who was against him because he collected a debt an actor thompson who was grahams friend by arresting him when on the stage of the columbia theater at san francisco attired as richelieu newman had gone before the grand jury and the present prosecution resulted from which he fled in cross examination by frank alg gans for the state of california he strenuously denied the marriage with Cb arlotta collana and said all the evidence given there anent it by thomas curran william newman and the depositions ions of ciarlotta Cb arlotta and florence newman was absolutely false the newmans sought to blackmail him it doctors bad sworn they had been present at the birth of the children of charlotta collins they had perjured themselves the children now with charlotta collins were the issue of his marriage with agnes newman and his friends at san francisco would provide tor them until he was out 0 the meshes of this conspiracy the cross examination of collins will be continued tomorrow POLES IN AMERICA not worthy of representation in catholic hierarchy Detroit Midi aug 15 archbishop francis albion symon personal representative senta tive of pope pius X has been a guest of dushop foley and the polish catholic clergy of detroit tor several days it was reported that the of his tour of america was to investigate the claims of the polish clergy for representation in the hierarchy of the roman catholic church in an interview archbishop bemons said the information sought Is as to whether the average intelligence of the catholics of america warrants a representation in the hierarchy and in this respect I 1 must say I 1 have looked for it everywhere and found very little almost nothing the polish immigration in this country is recruited from the humblest walks of life laborera farmers artisans they are all good pious god fearing poo pie but they are not the brains of our lauon MRS HARVEY NULL ARRESTED she Is charged with having murdered her hubband Hui band pratt kan aug 16 mrs harvey null charged with murder in the first degree in having ft Is alleged poisoned her husband a well to do farmer and H C kellly a farm hemd charged with aiding and abetting in the crime have been arrested here mrs null was released on bond kelly who Is several baars her junior was unable to furnish bond warrants were issued following the report of the coroners jury null died suddenly on aug c after eating supper cooked by his wife his stomach when analyzed was found to contain 24 grains of arsenic |