Show FUNERAL OF MRS FANNY BROWN the funeral services over the remains of the late mrs fanny brown who died on saturday last were held in the fourth ward meeting bouse at 2 yesterday afternoon bishops counsellor byrta celnar presiding tho services were attended by a large number of sympathizing relatives and friends and the floral tributes were both numerous and beautiful A quartette rendered a number of selections and solos were sung by sirs mary parley anderson gricin the speakers were elder E A olsen bishop holland of ray patriarch G W larkin lark in president C F middleton and counsellor belnap the speaker eulogized the life of the deceased referring to her great patience during th sixteen years she suffered from paralysis when she never 0 her condition but always had a smile for those who greeted her abe stated that she often remarked asked how she could be so patient through her suffering that it would only cause sorrow in the heart of others were she to complain and that she felt that people should endeavor to make one an others lives happy they sold that throughout her entire life she had always exercised great faith in her holy father and that her life was an ideal one from infancy her family were given much comfort in tho hope of a fond reunion in the hereafter A large funeral cortege followed tho remains to the ogden city cemetery where they were interred bishop holland dedicating the grave MONEY FOR BOYCOTT chinese in oregon are contributing portland ore aug la tho telegram today says ten thousand dollars will be raised by the chinese 0 portland to aid in the boycott in china against american goods two meetings of the local colony have been held at which it was decided that each chinese in the city of portland should contribute at least 2 to carry on the campaign the movement was instigated by a secret organization of san francisco SENTENCED finns make a demonstration against court martial alborg finland aug 15 the court martial which has been trying proko po the man who shot and killed col kremenko manko chief of police of vilborg july 21 today sentenced cd him to he hanged refused to plead unless he was tried by a finnish court and the witnesses summoned by the prosecution said they would testify only before a finnish judge A crowd of persons made a demonstration outside the governors house here yesterday as a protest against the trial of Pro Lopo by court martial A regiment of dragoons has arrived to reinforce the garrison STEAMER HAD RUN FOR LIFE block island ja I 1 aug 15 the steamer new Shore bam while entering the harbor today on her trip from providence with one hundred passengers struck a sunken wreck and after an exciting run for the dock sank to the main deck just as she ran alongside the pier the passengers were able to land over the gang plank the collision ripped open a hole of several feet in width in her bottom but notwithstanding the steady inrush of the water tho firemen and the engineer headed by chief engineer john quinlan stuck to their posts when tho steamer was within one hundred yards ot the dock the water put out the flics SKULL WAS CRUSHED kansas city aug 15 herbert mills formerly treasurer 0 the conk line mortgage trust company of this city was found lying on tho sidewalk in front ot bethany hospital where ho was an inmate and died two hours later ills skull had been crushed he had either jumped or fallen through through bis window on i tho beconi floor |