Show seventy five thousand tons ordered by his roads new yort aug 17 in pig iron the week haa been rather quiet tailing tho country as a whole says the iron age purchases by the united states steel corporation will probably not be made until early in september in the east there haa been a further moderate movement in basic pig one diteresi di terest taking tons at a concession while another buyer took tons in addition to previous purchase 8 tons in the pittsburg Fitts burg district a leading maker of cast ron pipe has bought ten thousand tons of gray forge pig while in the chicago district one foundry is in the market for tons in the east there has been a little wavering as to prices one large producing company offering iron at somewhat lower figures steel billets are and the situation Is rather acute particularly in the chicago district at some points accessible to tidewater small lots of foreign billets have been sold orders for steel rails for 1905 delivery continue to roll into the works the harriman roads have just placed tons it la not known whether this system accepted the offers for pacific coast delivery made by works in east arn germany who are not associated with the other german mills abo pressure upon the structural mills is exceedingly heavy and the payment of premiums for prompt delivery and the importing of occasional lots of foreign shapes seems to foreshadow an upward movement during the car builders have gathered in additional work it Is expected that an order or 12 steel cars ditl be in hand either this week or early next week in nearly ala the heavy lines the tonnage on the books s enormous and further work cannot be taken in many instances roal sheer inability to meet even distant deliveries in the ahnes the most important development is that a heavy buying movement hag set in all along the wire trade th tonnage in sheets too la picking vp but the merchant pipe trade Is afflicted with sharp cutting ot prices in bars abo agricultural implement makers and other consumers who contract for their requirements for elx months and a year ahead have now pretty well covered up the aggregate tonnage has been very large |